Chapter – 38 : Curvy Girls Do It Better

Chapter - 38

Curvy Girls Do It Better


There was a direct contact between Yui's face and Airi's soft bare skin. Her plump breast rubs on her cheeks and the warmth siphons to her face making it go deep red and also blushing.

Her other free hand wiggles inside Airi's panties as well. That's when Airi made a sudden request of using a toy she found in the market.

Yui had no qualms because she thought it would be just something to play around with when they would have gotten bored.

But Airi's tamed smile said entirely another story. Yui became apprehensive but still agrees to Airi's demands and whims.

In no way she could deny her lover's expectations and will accept it all with an open heart.

"Here I found this today. A magic toy."

"Eh… what's that?" Yui puzzled a the strange shape of the object.

On realizing what it actually was, she lets out a surprised yell when Airi brought a squishy rubber stick from her back pocket.

"Is that what I think it is… could it be a…"

"I don't know but I think this world still sees it as a magic toy."

"Airi but that can be a sex toy."

"But I want you to use it on me. According to the shopkeeper, the property of the material is to elongate whenever it is stirred."

"But is it really alright to use it?"

"Yes… I have already checked it thoroughly and it's just a magical property of the item. I am sure we can make ourselves happier with this."

Yui was kind of in a trance unable to decide what to do. But the shimmering eyes of Airi kept looking at her begging her to use the magic item on her.

"Yui!! You said we were in this together!"

"Don't make up things on your own. I never said that. But it won't hurt trying once...I guess." Yui too was tempted to use the item to see how it fits and goes in Airi. It was something that they never had tried before.

"You can't blame a girl for wanting to try something amazing like this. And here we can buy this adult stuff as much as we want." Airi winked at Yui while a dark lustful aura seem to seep through her. She was continuously stroking Yui's stomach and tracing her hand to Yui's pubic area getting her stimulated.

"Fine but we won't do anything dangerous or strenuous that can be detrimental to our health." Yui finally agreed to do the deed.

Hearing those pleasing words Airi was overjoyed and overwhelmed to think of the fun that was about to come.

Holding Yui by her lingerie she pulled it off and pulls Yui on top of her while lying on her bottoms. Yui's thighs were ultimately sitting on Airi's pussy and she could feel the heat radiating from there.

"You want this inside you that much."

"I want Yui's love inside of me. Please will you let me have it?" Airi prostrates and begs to make a lovely pleasing face.

Airi holds out her hands and hugs Yui.

Yui holds the magic stick in her hand. It felt kind of rubber but hardened when held tightly.

"Uhhh…" Yui moans as she fits it in her pussy.

"Let me have it too." Airi again pleads and this time her pleas were answered.

Yui softly tries to poke the hardened stick into Airi's pussy and it melts inside making it soft and pulsating at the same time. its length twice increased from either end it slips right into Yui and Airi's vagina at the same time.



"It's so long and thick…"

"It feels so amazing."

"AHHh… Yui it feels so nice." Airi's grin grew deeper. She gripped Yui tight around her boobs and leaped up to drink from it.

"Hnnn~" Yui tensed up as she came while being able to fuck Airi and make her moan while watching her drink her milk from her mounts all at the same time.

Airi's pussy was now wet and drowning in Yui's milk.

"Yui I too want to feel good...."

"Should I try moving?" Yui shakes her hips and the rod grows even strong inside Airi's pussy as it pulsates and writhes inside Yui's inside pussy as well.

"Ahhhh…it feels so amazing. Yui make me feel good more." Airi says as a white drop falls on her face and she licks it off. It was Yui's milk leaking from her tits as Airi braced them with her lips.

"Right. Then get ready." Yui exclaims excitedly. She too was enjoying the pleasure of having something throb inside herself especially when she could feel the exact same pleasure as her girlfriend.

As Yui made another thrust, making Airi arc her back as her muscles spasmed.


"Yes…yesss… I can't stop myself."

The two girls pleasuring themselves with a sex toy both shoot fountains of milk from their private holes on each other.

Wetting themselves over each other. They look for each other's lips and entangle their tongues inside each other's mouths lovingly.

Oh no! No, not again!" Airi leaks from the bottom again and Yui licks her chest at the same time now. Her voluptuous chest juggles up and down every time Yui rode on her.

Airi keeps on moaning but not only from the pleasure of Yui's toy inside her pussy. But because she got to make love with Yui again and she was now living a normal love life she always wanted to enjoy with her.

"Yui I love you. Let's keep on enjoying our wonderful life in this new world."

"Yes… I cannot wait for the adventures tomorrow. And the next. I want to enjoy my life every day and go on many more exciting adventures with you." Yui gasped as the toy emboldens inside her body making her feel ecstatic.

With every jerk, Yui applied to push the toy inside Airi's.

The only conclusion was cum gushed out of Yui's and Airi's stuffed pussies.


"AhhhAAAhhh…" Airi lets out a load of her juices while Yui watches her breathing heavily and sweating, with her gigantic, heavy cow tits right in the face.

The two were now up atop cloud nine, making each other feel precious and loved.

Finally realizing they had reached their limits they decide to sleep just like that sticking to each other closer and naked.


{Next Chapter : Found Out...? }