Darius Simard and Jane Dover looked at each other.
"Darius has stopped sleeping with women after marrying Jane." Shammy Black looked at Jane Dover with a smirk.
"Darius, who used to sleep among women, is dead." Darius Simard replied arrogantly.
People looked at him with shock. Seeing firmness and dread in his blue eyes, they froze for a while. As if, his gaze was assuring them that he was not that Darius Simard. He was a different person.
"This is his reincarnation." Darius Simard replied with an arrogant smile making Dylan Simard and Shamy Black speechless. They smiled hesitantly but his words had collided with their hearts as if he had warned them. The such threat, Darius Simard could never give. Shammy Black looked at him once again as if she wanted to find something. He was different in the past. This Darius Simard was shrewd and detrimental.