146. The end

There was joy everywhere. People were conversing, laughing, playing, eating, drinking...

Vrinda Simard cast a quick glance at his wife from a hallway corner. He was standing in the topmost place of the hall from where she was the most stunning woman in the entire universe. He smiled when he noticed her mild smile. She was speaking to the crowd when she turned her attention to her husband, who was giving her a loving look.

Vrinda Simard laughed as she timidly dipped her head. Most likely, everyone was content today. as they both got married today. But there was still some pain in his heart. Perhaps he was missing someone, he thought. His attention was drawn to a well-known figure in the crowd. His eyes grew inkier. He gasped. He threw the wine glass and rushed to the man. When he reached there, he did not find him. He looked around. The man again appeared on the first floor. Vrinda Simard rushed to the first floor.