systems purpose

"Wow, Amazing, but are you sure that you are not dreaming, I mean aren't system and stuffs are fictional?" asked his aunt even though she want it to be real. well which novel reader who read about system novels didn't want system.

Robert thought 'wow, just now she was excited and now she thinks I am joking but well it is understandable, I would also think it is not real if our position were to reverse.' thought Robert.

Taking deep breath.

"Yes, I really get chance to integrate with system and I can choose one person to form party and integrate with him/her so we both can integrate with same system." said Robert in serious tone.

seeing how serious his tone is his aunt started to believe him.

"So, you get system which can integrate with two people?" asked his aunt for confirmation.

"Yes, It can and I was thinking about forming party with you." said Robert to his aunt.

"Why me? I mean there are also your friends, right? you can ask them to form party with you. right?" asked his aunt even though she become nervous afterward because she also want a system.

"Aunt, I know that you also want the system and I don't have any particularly close friend and even though we didn't talk much and aren't blood related we are still family. that is why I want to form a party with you."said Robert slowly so she can understand.

"okay, thank you." said his aunt in small voice.

'Cute' thought Robert in his mind.

"So, which kind of system you get." asked his aunt after taking deep breath.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot about asking it in excitement and didn't ask it's purpose." said Robert like a stupid.


"so which kind of system you are?" asked Robert to the system.

[DING, I am special kind of system which merge with different kind of system on every ten level and when I integrate with host I made a system according to hosts will and thinking and that system become default system]

"So, you will become according to my thinking and will." said Robert to system.

[DING, 50% from main host and 50% from second host]

"Oh" said Robert.

"Okay so now tell me what is your purpose like am I going to fight with some big beasts or what?"asked Robert seriously and thought 'if it's really like that then I will refuse it.'

[DING, No the host doesn't have to fight any powerful beings in reality or anything. we systems are made because gods were bored and asked supreme origin about it. supreme origin made 1,00,001 systems with live broadcast settings. so gods can watch it and 1,00,000 administrator gods participated in choosing individuals from 1,000 cosmos. they can choose an individual directly or select someone from random selection. You are lucky enough to get selected within 1000 cosmos and with special system at that]

"Wow, I didn't know I was so lucky and you said special system right, How many people get special system?" asked Robert.

[DING, there is only one special system which is me.]

"Oh okay". said Robert.

"So I will became like gamer who live broadcast or something like that or what?" said Robert and thought ' I don't know how to talk in front of camera.'

[DING, No you don't have to do anything once you integrated with system, system will automatically control your camera settings and asked for your permission when you are doing private stuff and you can get donations and gifts from gods, administrator gods, and other higher beings. and you will get system points with your view rating monthly]

"Okay good." said Robert and took deep breath.


"Aunt are you there." asked Robert.

"Yeah, so how was it." asked his aunt.

"Well it said that it is special kind of system and there are 1,00,000 other systems which where chosen by 1,00,000 beings in 1000 cosmos. 1,00,000 administrator gods participated for choosing individuals from 1000 cosmos and I got chance with random selection by some random god administrator. well I got lucky you can say." said Robert smugly.

"Oh, wow how nice you are so lucky." his aunt said while clapping.

"Thanks" said Robert like it was nothing special.

"And systems purpose is to live broadcast us so gods can watch us and enjoy and they will give us donations or gifts if they like it and we can earn system point monthly according to our viewing rate." said Robert.

"So wanna integrate with system?" asked Robert.

"I-I um okay." she said nervously because she didn't go out for many years and now she have to go for system. she is feeling really uncomfortable.

Robert can feel by hearing her voice that she is nervous and scared because she didn't went out of house for like eight years.

"It's okay aunt you don't have to be so nervous we will play it slow okay?" ask in soft voice to give her some comfort.

"Um okay" she said in small voice.

"okay then, system start integration ". said Robert to system.

[DING, integration starting with host Robert Williams and beep beep...]

[DING, Please ask your partner to come out of her room for integration]