Chapter 1; Betrayal (if you didn't love me why didn't you tell me)

I have been running around being hunted like some prey ' she lamented in her heart. Sat down on the floor, trying to catch her breath, it's been three months, tears fell her cheeks, little by little she broke down, this was the first time she had lost all hope, haven't eaten anything for days nor water, she was exhausted from hiding in this old village, she understood now that she has been betrayed. 'How could they know her location all the time? track down her whereabouts.'

Checking out the warehouse, it was old and dilapidated, it was better to have a break here, she decided to lie down and catch some sleep, it's been three months without resting. She laid down on her back.

She raised her hands, she looked at them, they were tainted with blood, she has taken many lives, she didn't want to live this life but she knew, if she didn't, she will be killed by the organization, her fellow members were watching her closely if she went against the organization she will die. There was a chip in her brain nerves, no matter how she saw things, she could never regain freedom, she was doomed never to exist on this earth, she did want to live like a normal person, but she has committed a lot of murder and assassinations, nightmares came haunting her every time she closed her eyes.

Someone had leaked her information as number one Ice Queen in the assassination organization, all her missions have also been leaked, and all the families of victims and drug lords were on her back.

Thinking about her life she felt tired, she couldn't go on anymore. This life was tiring. She couldn't continue living like this.

She was picked up from an orphanage by the assassin organization, being brought up as an assassin, she also wanted to live like a normal person.

While lost in her thoughts, bullets started flying toward her, like rain, and she didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Lying down on the pool of blood, tears trimmed down her cheeks, she opened her eyes for the last time and saw, that the man she loved and supported dearly, worked with to bring his company by all means to high heights, was holding another woman's waist.

Feng Wu looked at her with a sneer, " who gave you the thought that I will marry a woman like you, you are nothing, but a mere tool for me to use whenever I want to, look at that bracelet on your hand, it's a birthday gift, I spent few thousands to buy it for you, but it has GPS, this guy gave me a good offer for your head, here we are, the woman I have loved all the time is Wen Ling, she is the only woman worthy of me," Feng Wu spewed those words out sarcastically.

Luo Wei looked at the people she has worked hard for and helped them, but in the end, they betrayed her.

"Why Feng?" If you never loved why didn't you just tell me?" Luo Wei spent all her remaining strength to ask him, she wanted to die knowing.

"Why? What a stupid question. Because I can't use you if I tell you the truth. Thank you for your help" He spoke out those words without any care.

"My dear best friend thank you for paving a path for us, goodbye". Wen Ling spoke those words and they walked out. They didn't even look back at her pathetic self.

Luo Wei closed her eyes and breathed her last breath, but in her mind, she thought 'if I had a chance, I will rectify and live a humble simple life. Chase power and money rightfully to the top.'

In a split second, she felt a headache, and different kinds of images went through her mind, her eyes that were closed suddenly opened wide.

All she saw was white walls, white everywhere, she was all alone with machines all over her body.

"Didn't I die?? Who brought me here?? She hurried to touch and feel the gunshot wounds. The bullets had pierced through her heart, she didn't think she could survive, but touching around she didn't feel the wounds, she panicked and wandered her eyes around the body, she then realized this is not her body.

"What's happening?" While in her thoughts the doctor came in and saw she has woken up. Hearing the sound from the door, she tried to sit up but she couldn't as she was weak,

"Nurse..!!, nurse..!!, give me a mirror, I want a mirror!!". Luo Wei requested with a panicked voice.

The nurse took a mirror from her lab coat and passed it to her hurriedly. Luo Wei stretched out her hand to receive the mirror, but couldn't raise it as she was weak, the nurse went near and placed the mirror on her hand.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she was a different girl, with white pale skin, sickly, thin, weak, and her body was in a terrible state. Looking carefully at her palm-size face and doe eyes.

She sighed.

She gave the mirror back to the nurse, closed her eyes to calm down her emotions, and comforted herself 'at least am still alive, nothing else matters more.'

She opened her mouth and spoke out weakly "Doctor what's my name?"

Doctor Han replied to her, "you are Mrs. Lin you have been in a coma for 3 months, I will do the necessary medical check-up for you," after saying that he told the nurse to do all medical checkups on her, then headed out.

Closing the door behind him, he moved to the hallway and dialed Butler Zhou's number,

"Hello" Butler Zhou received the call.

"Am Doctor Lu speaking, your Miss has woken up," The doctor spoke up.

"Alright I will be there in a while" The Butler replied politely and the call ended. He dialed his Master's number;

"Hello" Lin Juan's cold voice could be heard from the other side.

"Master, they are saying Miss has woken up," the Butler told him the news. Lin Juan didn't care if she has woken up or dead, he just told him, "Butler Zhou go see her and tell her not to embarrass me anymore, and there is no divorce, she better accept living like Mrs. Lin for a lifetime, it's what she wanted." Lin Juan gave those instructions and the call ended.

Butler Zhou was standing in the living room receiving the call, behind him at the door the kids heard that their Mom has woken up. Tears fell on their swallow cheeks, they didn't want their mother to die. They felt Happy and excited.

They walked towards Butler Zhou, "Butler Zhou can we join you when you visit Mom?" They spoke out meekly, their voices shaking.

Butler Zhou replied to them, "you know how your Mom treats you coldly, can't you just stay put here." The kids started tearing up silently, they never received care or love from both parents and even the maids and Butler Zhou mistreated them terribly. So their mother was better than the people in the Mansion.

When Butler Zhou saw them crying, he conceded to their request and said "go get ready within five minutes, I won't wait for you, if you are late." He said those words coldly like he was talking to teenagers, old enough.