Chapter 80; Shoot down anyone trespassing

Lin Huang and Lin Hong were surprised to see their mother return with the weird disappearance and appearance power, they cheered in their hearts but when they saw the sleeping Lin Wei and Ming Xie, they didn't know what to do.

"What do we do?? we can't leave them lying down here on the cold floor and also we shouldn't carry them out!! we will raise more suspicion and questions!!" Lin Huang lamented pitifully.

" Heey... hey!! why did mother sleep again?? didn't she wake up??" Lin Hong asked curiously.

" How would I know?? let's find a solution for what am asking first." Lin Huang chided him softly.

" Ohhh let them lie there, there is a reason mother threw them there!!! Humphh!!!" he snorted and went near his mother studying her in curiosity.

" What kind of an animal do you think mommy is?? do normal people disappear like that?? Or do you think they don't belong to human species." Lin Hong was damn curious.