Chapter 82; Hello Grandpa Zhou.. long time no see

"Miss what opinion do you have on the undergoing crisis in the country?"Xie Han asked.

" The economy is bad, normal Country Z citizen can't afford to buy food from the shops, also us the farmers we have nowhere to sell our products with the ongoing insecurities and citizens protesting and rioting everywhere, so we are asking the Humanitarian Organization to take control of the situation. that's all." the woman said and moved away.

" As you have heard News anchor, the situation is getting out of hand and it's at this critical moment that we need the international bodies and organizations to intervene and bring peace to the country. back to you News anchor." Xie Han said and his coverage ended.

" As you can see the current situation doesn't favor the citizens of this country, we will bring in more news and development ones there is news. Have a good afternoon." the news ended there.