Chapter 105; The Zombies

Outside the cave, the Zombies began shaking the trees, their eyes unfocused, mucus and saliva oozed out of their mouths and noses in a rapid succession.

"Scorpion... what do we do now?" Lin Huang inquired, worriedly.

" Let's stay up here first, they aren't strong enough as they have just turned zombies, so their powers are limited." He suggested while keeping an eye on the Zombies.

"Okay.." They nodded their heads and gripped the tree branches tightly, so that they won't have a fall while the zombies are shaking the trees.

After trying several and realized it couldn't pass through the narrowed tunnel, it went back to it's spot, where it had been gnawing bones.

Ming Xie and Lin Wei exited the narrowed tunnel and moved forward carefully, approaching it from behind with light footsteps, the ape noticed their movements, it dashed towards them.