Chapter 185; But Master, didn't we burry you?

The guard bowed his head as they all left the secret chamber but some took sneak peeks.

Lin Juan held his Grandpa's hands gently looking into his eyes, "Grandpa, how have you been?" He lightly asked as he looked into his eyes, his eyes watered too.

" Lin Juan, is that really you? But didn't we burry your body?" The old man held his hands as they shook.

" Grandpa, it's me your Grandson, I don't know what happened, but I'm still alive." He explained to him, he knew his grandpa could keep his secrets.

"That's good... That's good..." The old man teared up as Lin Juan used his thumb to wipe away his tears.

"But I can't stay for long grandpa, there are things I need to do, and also don't let anyone know I'm still alive even my brothers and sisters, I want my identity to stay hidden." He forewarned him as he gently caressed his aged face.