Chapter 217; You are unworthy of being my son

"Just prepare for the attacks next month, we either survive it or perish with it, we have only one month to figure out a good escape route or solution." He coldly responded as he began showering.

" What do you mean by that? What kind of a son is this? How can he watch his family and clan perish!" She felt anger bubbling up and scowled in annoyance pacing back and forth anxiously knowing this definitely won't provide any solution to their predicament.

"Be mindful of what your mouth utters." He coldly warned her, he dismissed her as he wasn't in any mood to argue.

He didn't know how Lin Juan will act upon hearing those news but he knew nothing good will come out of it, this was trouble.

The Dragon Queen sat down on the couch feeling annoyed, she stood up and walked down the corridor to the Healing Pond.

Temmo and Eleven arrived at the Healing Pond and found Ten was seriously meditating.