Chapter 224; Does she like you or she is doing out of gratitude?

" I will start training of course, I need to be a little bit stronger atleast be very versed with arrow shooting or horse riding." She merrily responded.

" Horse riding? Arrow shooting? Are you certain Xiao Xue?" She inquired curiously intrigued, it wasn't bad to learn those two protective aspects.

"Of course I know what I want to do, you better train too, and be able to protect yourself." She scornfully replied.

" All right alright, you are smart. " Xie complimented her before they arrived at the arrow shooting ground and found others were there shooting.

The princesses and princes bowed their heads and moved away giving her space, they knew she was protected by princess Jun Lin Wei and if anything happened to her it will pinned on them.

"Princess.." one of the trainers approached her as he respectfully bowed greeting her.