Chapter 239;What's the matter with you today?

"I thought I was the only one being overly sensitive of this entire place, do you think it's worth it to place it under research, we might discover some of it's strangeness. " He responded while thinking hard.

" Brother, you are thinking too much into it, it could be that it's the weather that changes now and then and it's normal for the seasons to change you know, I don't see any big deal about it. " Lin Huang felt they were taking this into too much consideration.

They turned around to look at him, he also looked at them his eyes very clear and innocent that shone brightly.

"Yes, it could true." They automatically nodded their heads and supported his intelligence perfunctory, but inside they knew he was too simpleminded.

Zhou Hua turned around to face Lin Hong, "hahahahaha.." they bursted all out laughing.

" What's so funny now? " Lin Huang asked as he eyed them at their strange behavior, laughing like idiots.