Chapter 241; Master, your party doesn't have a color theme?

In the Dragon Kingdom, Lin Juan who was meditating swarm up to the shore and vomited blood that was a bit dark.

Ten and Eleven rushed to his side worriedly, "Master... " They called at they supported him.

He was looking pale and weak, he hadn't recovered yet even a tiny bit, "Temmo I want you to go-to the Camp and check on my boys, I'm worried about them." His voice was rough as his eyes were bloody red.

"Master..." Ten wanted him to concentrate on recovering and nothing else.

"Ten, no matter what it's I still ended up being their father, I have the responsibility of being a father. Eleven I want you to pay a visit to my Grandpa, he must be getting worried too." He delegated them things to work on as only Eleven was left.

"Eleven tell me what happened?" He sat down crisscrossed on the banks as he tried to regulate his breathing.