Chapter 263; We have to leave here safely

"I drove a carriage to the Northern direction, so that I could get to Qing Kingdom to find Wu Xue. He is inside the carriage with me."

" Oohh alright, be safe, I don't know much about the Northern desert but I heard it's a dangerous place. Be safe." The communication was cut short as he concentrated on fighting.

"Captain, I gave you a chance but you declined it, now see how you losing your army." Wang Lin began moving the whip faster and vigorous while Wang Jin dealt with the other soldiers behind him.

They were almost close to defeating them when an iced condensed arrow shot towards his direction and caught him off guard, it shot through his shoulder.

He felt the sharp pain as he hissed lightly, he looked around trying to locate who had just ambushed him but couldn't see anything.

His entire body paled as he felt cold spreading throughout his entire body, he knew he has been poisoned by the frostbite.