Chapter 315; Hehehe.. this should be your medicine..

" Uncle, you know that's my uncle and when it comes to those kinds of topics, they are awkward to talk amongst the two of us." He didn't want to stick his nose in matters that didn't concern him.

"Oohhh.." he nodded his head as he got lost in his thoughts.

In the corridor, Zhou Hua was exasperated, "damn it! Can't you watch where you are headed to?" He cursed out loudly before stabilizing his footing.

"I should be the one asking you that! Are you running away from a ghost? It seems like you are confused about the path to take!" Lin Huang easily stabilized his footing as he dangerously narrowed his eyes on him.

"How come it's you?" He was surprised but cursed him inwardly, 'how come I have to meet this devil everywhere?'

"Are you cursing me? You better look where you are going... you might knock into that thing that killed Gao Ling." He gently whispered as you could see a smirk pasted on his face.