Chapter 319; Just having a small issue...

From his facial expressions and frown, he could tell that his uncle wasn't okay. He was wearing a white lab coat that went down to his lower body around the knees.

His skin was lighter due to spending most of his time indoors and inside the laboratory.

"Just having a small issue." He lightly mumbled as he ate his sandwiches.

" Small issue? See the way you are annoyed and frowning, it isn't a simple matter uncle, I might be a bit younger than you but I might give you a solution to your problem." He sat down as he patted his shoulders.

Zhou Hua looked at him lightly before sipping his tea, "don't worry, it's something that I can manage." He needed time to take care of his problems.

" Mnnhh, Zhou Feng and Grandpa are worried about you." He stood up planning to return to his working space.

"You aren't preparing yourself to go out?" Zhou Hua inquired as he eyed him.

" I'm waiting for you to instruct me." He turned around to face his uncle.