Chapter 324; Wei Wei don't.. don't..

"Father, why? Why did you neglect us all? Aren't we also your children too? Why did you hate us so much?" Her eyes watered as they shed blood.

" Wei Wei... I'm sorry, I will make it up to you... I promise to make it up to you." His voice shook a little as he responded but suddenly the image vanished again.

But her image suddenly showed up again in front of him just two steps away while she pointed the knife at him her hands stained with blood.

"Wei Wei, don't.. don't.." He felt sharp heartaches seeing the little girl in front of him so cruel and emotionless, he had contributed to raising a monster.

"Hahaha.. why shouldn't I father? Why? If I kill you then we will know that you are dead and mother won't be crying all by herself and wallowing in sadness."

She walked towards him while he stepped backward, suddenly several images of Wei Wei showed up again adding to the one she was pointing a knife at him.