Chapter 347; Don't you think that you went overboard?

He pulled him into his arms, "you don't need to worry, if your brother gets injured he can send a distress signal and we will March into the forest, but he hasn't, so let's be positive." He also spoke out but couldn't believe his own words, what if he was seriously injured and couldn't send the signal?

"But what if.. what if..." He mumbled nervously as his eyes teared up.

" You don't need to overthink it, I can go and check it out." he caressed his back soothingly.

Luo Chen and Luo Cheng who had gone to the Computer room didn't see Lin Huang, they turned around to look for him at the training grounds.

When they heard that loud explosion, they halted in their steps and could feel the ground shaking.

"Why could there be any explosion around here?" Luo Chen mumbled nervously as they walked into the training grounds.

" Could something have happened?" Luo Cheng spoke out worriedly.