Chapter 352; This is so unfair...

"This is so unfair! How come if anything happens to him the punishment has to fall under us?" Luo Chen turned around to walk back to the computer room.

"Remember from the moment you accepted to be adopted by them, you were to serve as a bodyguard and servant." Luo Cheng walked past him as his pace accelerated.

"Humph.." he harrumphed in annoyance as he hurriedly tagged behind Luo Chen.

Luo Feng walked into the secret dungeon on the first level, the hall had up to twenty levels and each level had a different attacking mechanism.

After walking inside, the door automatically closed and he had no way out.

Lin Huang got a notification of Luo Feng entering into the first level, "Do you know how to control the dungeons?" He swirled his chair and turned around to face Luo Thu who was sitting on his left-hand side, just two steps away.

"Yeah, just the two first levels." He turned around and faced Lin Huang before answering.