Chapter 360; Shh... can you lower your voice?

In the Tang clan, after a few minutes of quietness, finally Jade couldn't hear any heartbeat around their vicinity.

"What's the meaning of this? What do they think they are doing?" Jade punched the table ruthlessly cracking it into pieces, since she was powerful, the crashing sounds echoed in the entire courtyard. 

" Shhh... Lower your voice, we need to lay low for now." Bai Yun mumbled nervously, he knew she was never a girl who can't hold herself back.

"What's there to be worried about? How can they do that?" Jade was fuming in anger.

"We don't know why they did what they did, that's why we need to be careful until your mistress returns." He lightly cautioned her, he didn't want to expose themselves before Lin Wei returns back.