Chapter 380; I don't know, the pot suddenly overturned

"Scorpion, make sure everything is in order until the Elections Board announces, don't let anything disrupt that moment. " Lin Hong's commanding voice responded.

" All right Young Master Lin... " He hung up the phone call before glancing at Luo Peng who was standing just nearby.

"What happened? Are we going back?" He inquired curiously as he fixed his gaze on Scorpion.

"We have to wait until the winner is announced before we could return to the Camp, Young Master Lin Hong's orders." He patted his shoulders comforting.

"Why is it him? Isn't Lin Huang the one in charge?" They strolled back to the hall as they chitchat.

"I do t know, I think we might be done by midnight." He gazed around his eyes patronizing the entire hall, everything was peaceful and calm.

"Mnnnnhh." Luo Peng hummed as their eyes roamed around.

In the forest, Luo Wei who was cooking suddenly the pot of water overturned and poured into the fire and turned it off.