Chapter 393; Old man, it's because if this stupid chauvinist attitude...

He turned around and glanced at Ming Xie who was clearly warning him, that pinch got him, he sharply inhaled, it was painful, and she knew where to pinch.

Ming Xie give him a serious eye which meant business, Lin Hong's hands were tightened into small fists, and his anger was visible to everyone else.

"Oooh, we will talk about that later." He didn't know why everyone was giving him a peculiar look, he just dismissed that thought.

"Anything else?" Lin Hong didn't gaze at him, he was still trying to calm himself down before he could blast him off.

"For now, no." He shook his head, he didn't have much in mind.

"All right, another person?" He raised his head and glanced at the people who were looking at him.

"I think we can have a meeting in the evening." Lin Fai spoke out, the temperatures had risen and the entire atmosphere was tensed up. They definitely couldn't be free and speak their minds.