Why am I so abnormal?
Couldn't life just be easy? I don't know what to believe anymore. Everything is falling apart. I cannot control my emotions anymore. I don't know if I should cry or get angry. Everything is turning around for me. Is this called normal life or is this called end of a particular stage. Life sucks, it's boring with no fun in it.
I don't know how to express my feelings. It makes me so sad. I try to be good but it doesn't work for me. People say life is hard, but it is easy when u know what is right and wrong. For me life is terrible. I don't know what is right and wrong. I fell once and now I am falling again. I don't want to do the mistakes of my past again. I want to cry so badly but only a few will understand me. I try controlling my emotions but it ends up being blown out like a roar of a lion.
I don't know what I am doing wrong. I try to keep everyone happy but myself. I am not lost, I know my way. I might have one or two or three or four friends. But I will always love my life.
I know we don't have enough money in our hands but time might change where we might become rich one day. I have lost many people in my life because of me. But that does not change anything and it doesn't change me.
I might be a sad person but I will always try to be strong and happy.
- love, princy