Hoodless Heart

"Freedom, at times, breathes pretense- for some chains are longer than one's lifetime."

-Fonclere, Chained Mother, Goddess of the Oceans


The morning vendors along the streets rose from their chairs as heavy steps tore through their wooden roads. It's as if a vengeful spirit of a mare ran through the Markets of Dirge in an unseen hysteria; costumers were pushed, veterans cried as their boardgames were toppled, and fresh produce fell down the water channels that veins the city. The young Blackmercy had never run so fast in his 22 winters of existence, tears of joy caught by the winds.

But he was too fast for freedom.


His head collided with a sturdy structure propelling him down the cold floors, how stupid of him, he made a deep dent on a carriage's wooden lift. He opened his eyes and the ice dome above came into view with figures of birds distorted through the thin ice. He looked at his hands, hazy and confused, wait, he could see his hands!?

"Oh no not yet..." he paced left and right trying to find an escape route but it was too late, he had already caused a commotion and the crowds had gathered.

"Ye' young rascal!" The rider of the carriage kicked off the snow, stomping spitefully towards the boy. "You snow-tod should be sensible! Give your name you damn cunt!"his boots soon found the boy's chest.

"It's Sion, sir." he winced, face anticipating a kick but it never came. He looked up expecting the eyes of a man who would beat his spirit out of him but instead- he saw an individual experiencing an Apparition, easier for him to sever away.

It is as if time had stopped, around him he saw how every Dirgefolk stared in frozen arrest. A thousand eyes aimed at him for his hair is a fountain of glistening blood, and his eyes, the doors to a woodland realm. He felt like a murder scene in broad daylight where they are required to notice every detail available, feeling hot all over his body but not the comfortable kind, the kind that sends sharp needles in every pore.

"I..." he tried to speak some sense out of the predicament but he was toung-tied- Just as shocked as the people, and when he stepped back, the Dirgeans behind him did the same.

"I'm terribly sorry..." Sion excused himself. Fishing through his satchel, his fingers brushed against a glass surface which he brought out. He checked its content and saw that the Mercean Vial still contains a few drops, enough to render him invisible again.

A man from behind touched his hair and upon contact, quickly retreats his fingers as if he just got burnt. As soon as the plaza had seen this they swarmed into whispers because they realized, the gorgeous boy can be touched. A God they can touch.

With fingers trembling he struggled to uncork the vial since everyone stared attentively in each triviality involved in his being; from the expansion of his ribs, the sinking of his throat, and even the beads of sweat forming on his forehead. As soon as the cork popped opened a few drops of the bitter liquid on his tongue seized him out of sight. He began to snake past the crowd without touching anyone. Just his luck that they are still stunned even with him already gone.

He ran far from the Plaza to take shelter under one of the ice bridges, resting his back on the cold rocky wall to release a sigh of relief, why were they surprised of him? He was too terrified that the back of his mind starts to kindle with regret, he should have listened to Ian.

He sat there brooding while examining his reflection from the clear water. His long hair reflecting like smudges blood, yet his face, in perfect symmetry as if old Vartholo sculpted it from his cathedral in paradise. He wondered as to whom he inherited his beauty, he is well aware that it is tremendous but he is not conscious of its effects. Only presently that he is starting to know of it.

A soft pur from the outlines of the ice bridge broke his brooding, he turned to its direction to see golden irises dilating back at him, it reminds him of Laguna's stunning eyes. And so, a bronze colored cat moved out from the shadows, it has horns curved on its head and golden patterns on its coat. Sion already knew who it was... he even thought for a moment that it was the ghost of his late cat.

"What are you doing here?" He asked the cat as it nestled on his lap like a loaf bread from the bakery, smells the same too.

"Aren't you supposed to be enjoying the prestige of the Dirge-Clam Palace? Were you lost?" He asks the cat all the while asking himself why he is caressing it.

The cat pounced off from his lap, after then, golden light enveloped its body and from the brightness emerged Laguna, the frightening broadness of his back casting a shadow over Sion's entirety. Only now that the alchemist could closely examine the tattoos adorned on Laguna's back; filled with geometrical shapes of arcana encircled upon each other, spanning from the bottom of his spine up to his nape like crop circles.

"What am I doing here? Aren't you supposed to be the one asking that to yourself?" he turned around with a dessert-warm smile. The boy noticed how Laguna looks as tall as Ian'drah, but the Sailor is a little more muscular, though the horns might pierce the apothecary's ceiling.

"No, I'm not lost. This is the city I grew up in, why would I be lost?" He tried to sound so sure.

"Suit yourself then." Laguna offered his hand which Sion took to stand up.

"So where is that lankier friend of yours?"

"Ian'drah? If you've noticed earlier, we were quarelling. But he'll come along I'm sure, that boy is a cockroach."

They both hope he won't come along though, hanging in that small gaps of silence whenever they converse.

"Ah, that explains the whole debacle in the sea this morning eh?"

Sion just pursed his lips. He felt embarrassed for having a royalty witness all their uncivilized floundering at sea. "Yes, we usually fight a lot ever since we were small runts. I swear that if I have no potions with me then I might have lost all my fights with that Ice-brained fool." Sion snickered while securing his satchel.

"Hmmm, as expected from Blackmercy's child."

"Don't praise my alchemy too much, it's a pebble in size compared to what you can do. I mean, to be a diplomat one must learn of foreign languages and law, and you can fight! Grow wings and turn into a cat! I've seen your magics."

"Oh, don't think that alchemy is not as great as runic engineering, both are doctrined as equal arcane courses after all, so we're just equals."

"I'm not fit to agree with you on that..." The boy admits, "I know nothing of magic to give opinions for it because its almost non existent here."


"Yes, only few Dirgeans dwells with it. Mostly priests and politicians or some sailors but, it's not a big deal here if someone possesses magical prowess."

Laguna frowned on the floor, thinking deep and crossing his arms with two fingers on his chin. They should've sent a war fleet instead of a diplomat if Dirge lives in such naivety.

"Ah, just as how grandmother had said it. Dirge only cares about how strong one swings an axe, or how swift one sails. Unlike Syrosh'jhaal though, now that's a place of ancient magic! I heard that their royalty are compromised of Walocks, the strongest in the world, I believe they also have a college there..." Laguna stopped when he realized that he was blurting out like a near-senile scholar. But the way Sion eyed him with unwearable attentiveness made him smile. "Wait, is this new knowledge for you?"

"I've never set foot outside this province, so..." Sion reddened in embarassment.

"Oh don't bother, I enjoy every opportunity of sharing knowledge. There's beauty in it if you tried to be compassionate." Laguna smiled. "But why have you not been outside Dirge?"

"Alchemy... Miriam is complete with all materials I need for experiments, even for foreign ones. So there's really no need stepping outside to risk danger, not to mention the Serial Killer hunting in our streets..."

"You have a point, anything to preserve the body preserves the mind. Though, if I have the same knowledge in potionry as you then I know no creature would mind if I know nothing of anything else..."

"I could teach you the essentials of the other courses of the Arcane if you wish." Laguna says, catching Sion's breath.

"Would you? But your visit here is not for long right?"

"Yes, but it is easier to grasp magic if you have enough determination for it so time is irrelevant." The horned man smirked.

"Then why are we still talking and not learning?" Sion sprang up with a newfound energy and stood.

"I like the spirit!"

"You are blessing in this uneventful land mate!" Sion gave the Ocmenian a quick embrace, bare chest touching bare chest.

Laguna stood there unmoving, entirely baffled with how soft and tender the boy felt on his skin. Sion have enough muscles to pass as a warrior yet no softness of silken blankets or woman could battle his smooth embrace.

"I- uhmm, aghh we should start with a simple fire- y-yes? Pyromancy? Indeed..." the larger man forced a lump down his throat.

"Yes we should, perfect for this climate." the boy agreed.

"Yeah... le- let's start." He blinks rapid, still hazy from the embrace.

"As in here? But it's dangerous to make fire under Ice Bridges professor."

"Did you just call me Pro-professor?"

"Why? do you prefer that I call you master?" Sion is unaware that his tone came out flirtitious, the same obliviousness that lead to the Sailor's downfall on him.

"No, Professor is fine... Student." Another hard lump formed in Laguna's throat, he is not used to this. He is Gwandoya Academy's pinnacle of speech for Oserio's sake.

"Where are we off to then?"

"To the Dirge-Clam Palace of course. They probably have already noticed that I'm missing."

"Right, then we should take the western road-" Sion's jaw dropped in astonishment as brown wings emerged from the Diplomat's runed back, Laguna's wings slowly stretched enermously that it could span the entire ice bridge.

"Want to fly, Blackmercy?" Laguna asked as he spread his wings into its full extent, making some passersbys peer down the bridge to witness the feathered glory.

Sion's eyes glimmered "Gladly!" He said, then he surrounds his arms around the Diplomat's neck, earning him a blush from the gracious winged creature.

"Uhm, then... hold on tight... friend." Laguna instructs before taking Sion's back and legs on his arms.

Laguna stepped out into the sunlight with Sion on his arms, his innumerous feathers reflecting the golden sun. He looked like an angel cradling a divine entity that even a small crowd of folks had gathered above the bridge to see the grandeur of it. He raised his wings up reaching the tall treetops, the fishes below the stream escaping, then in one quick and strong motion he flapped it down, propelling them up to the skies. His tailwind made the surrounding icecaps on the canal crack, even slightly on the bridge itself.

"Sea god's Cock!" Though he is breathless, the vile words still escaped Sion's mouth as he peered down the whole Dirgean Plaza. From above, the transparent bridges looked like shattered glass and the red rooves of Dirge were more like spilled wine on a white carpet of snow.

"What did you just say?" Laguna still inquired even if he had heard it loud and clear.


They escaped the Ice Dome through its open center and the higher they soar through the fog, the more breathtaking it gets. Sion only noticed now that the shape of the Dirgean City is actually of a crecent moon, The Ice Dome spreads enough to cover the entire City like a transparent mushroom.

The City of Dirge is enclosed by white cliffs that stretched towards the northern coasts ending at the Glacier Maze. They are so high above that Sion could see their daily fishing spot and the Steel Collosus anchored from the distant harbor.

"Wow..." was the only word he could think of when the Dirge-Clam Palace came into view, named by the Pirate who found the city centuries ago. It boasts a series of eight ancient ships inverted and connected snout-by-snout, like a monstrous clam snuggled on the White Cliff, branching in and out with multiple annexations and bridges to rise gloriously- seperating itself from the bland city yet adorning it with its beauty.

They flew past its towers and sails and landed on one of its countless balconies- light as a feather.

"That was..."

"Magical?" Laguna's wings sheathed down back to his tattoos where it sealed itself.

"I was about to say beautiful."

"Speak for yourself." Laguna held Sion's hip to guide him towards the room.

The room felt warm and simple; the traditionaly embroided curtains were drawn, the bed spreading a vast fur sheet, the wooden floor carpeted with wool, and there's a fragrant forest scent burning from the fireplace.

It made Sion smile because he somehow knows what that certain firewood is, what land it came from, and what its other uses are.

"Make yourself at home, Blackmercy." Laguna walked towards the shelves to grab any feast available.

"Please, call me Student." He sat comfortably by the fireplace, it's his first time making a friend close to his age aside from Ian'drah and it is making him feel strange in a way that his face can't retract its smile.

"These breads are straight from my home, try them." Laguna offered a basket of paper-thin bread to the boy, he didn't mention that he made it himself. Sion eyed them strangely then consumed two in his mouth the next second. He haven't eaten breakfast yet.

"Woah! help yourself then. You need to energize yourself for our sessions later, after all." Laguna just watched him in amazement as Sion bulldoze the bread he made.

"These are delicious! Is this the magic? Divines, I'm excited to learn already!" Sion moaned with his mouth full.

"Well hold your horses, you wanted fire right? In my opinion it is a wise choice to learn since warmth is essential in this country." With a snap of his fingers, a wisp of golden fire flickered from Laguna's fingertips.

"Oh, brilliant... though why is it gold of color?"

"Superiority over one's magic turns their element's color different. My flames and sands are golden of color but I've been hearing rumors of a Golden Lady here in the north whose Ice is of the same hue. Have you heard of her?" Laguna inquires.

"No I haven't. I only know of Drina Bluesaile as the Silver Lady, but she doesn't have magic of sorts." Sion replied.

"That may be true, but Knighthood does not require magic so that's fine for her part."

"Drina is a Knight!?" Sion almost spit out his mouth's content.

"A merciless one at that, you certainly do have no clue of anything except for alchemy don't you?" Laguna is starting to notice Miriam's bad parenting.

"No, it's just a shame that I have no credible idea about my Friend's lover." Sion pulled his knees in.

"Oh, so your paralyzed friend earlier and the Silver Lady have an affair?" Laguna asked, but he would not doubt it if it was true.

"As far as I know, yes." Sion furrowed his eyebrows.

"Is it not a good thing? Why do you seem unjoyous about it?" Laguna sat on the carpet with the Alchemist.

"Because-" Sion hesitates in speaking then silence falls down the room, filling its corners with the firewood's crackling noises.

"You can tell me."

"Well, It was the reason for our recent fight." Sion contemplates by the fireplace. His green eyes reflect the flames like he contains a forest fire.

"Carry on, you need to let it all out, my friend." Laguna tried to place his hand on Sion's shoulder but hesitated when he saw the bruises faintly lit by the orange light.

"Let me ask of your judgment, I mean... You are a trusted Diplomat with the faith of your whole country resting in your decisions right?"

"If you put it that way then yes."

"Then, hear this out and judge." Sion took a deep breath to prepare himself, he would try to finally open his heart.

"I've been kept alone with my devices due to Miriam's expectations, rendering me less compatible to society. Then here comes Ian'drah, who has been my friend ever since my first memories recorded. But unlike me, he is clamored with attention. that spawn of Adastrielle..." Sion murmured.

"When you say spawn of Adastrielle, does mean that your friend is a womanizer?" Asks Laguna, he really wouldn't doubt it.

"That he is. Anyhow, since I've become inclined with potions due to Mum's influence then..." Sion gulps down. "wouldn't it be natural and fine that I'll somehow be influenced by Ian'drah too if he goes out each night, rum-stenched on a wild party? I wanted to make friends too." He rants out without breathing in between his words.

"If you will it to influence you, entirely depends on you really." Laguna answers.

"Yes that's my case! It should really depend on me. But it happens to depend on him because he instead 'wills' it for me. He doesn't let me interact with other people unless they're all children and he demands that I should always hide myself!"

"Any particular reason for this?" Laguna still asked though he obviously knows why.

"He claims that Sovenians are not fond of foreigners so there's no need for a new friend except for him. But your Grandmother seems to disagree."

Laguna didn't expect this shallow reason.

"I understand his point of view if he wants to protect you, I mean who wouldn't want to? But he should not speak for a whole race like that. Is Lady Blackmercy fine with how you're being treated?"

"Oh, my Mum is on his side for some vague reasons." Sion scoffs.

"But have you ever attempted to rebel before? If he's always out in the night then that should have give you a version of freedom in his absence correct?" Laguna wonders, Sion paused for a moment then answered.

"I couldn't back then, I'm afraid Miriam and I are the only viable alchemists available in Dirge. I need to attend my studies strictly to cater to the whole damn city later because she could be gone any moment." Sion bit his lips.

"Ah, the burden fulfillment." Laguna sighs down.

"Yeah, talk about it." Sion sighs down too, like they could relate to each other.

"Well, a heavy passion for something leads you into a heavier responsibility."

"Indeed." Sion concedes as he held Laguna's stare in silence and stillness.

"But I just want Ian to know that I'm not his responsibility."

"Oh... Now I see it clearly." Laguna stared at Sion more intently.

"See what?" Sion asks but Laguna just paused, as if trying to choose his words.

"Your friend's heavy passion." With that, Laguna stood up. "Come, I'll commence our lesson."