I am back

then a fierce fight breaks out where chairs and tables are thrown followed by a background voice begging Tonny ⁓"please let me go"⁓

after several more laughs, Tonny answers the woman ⁓"in your dreams bitch"⁓

the fight between the two starts to get fiercer and more chairs are thrown in defense, as Tonny's voice tells the woman ⁓"that's all you got huh, bitch"⁓

*splash, splash*

a couple of slaps are heard, followed by a desperate scream ⁓"No, no, let me go"⁓ the woman's screams are heard followed by a scream of terror "Ahhh"

the screaming went on for a couple of minutes

while Tonny's accomplices made one or two mocking comments, while the woman continued to beg ⁓"please stop please"⁓

when Tonny began to tear the woman's clothes, her voice could be heard desperately begging him again ⁓ "please stop now, stop, my father will pay my ransom, please don't do it" ⁓

Seconds later a window was heard breaking upstairs in the segund floor *chash* followed by a thud on the ground *phoff*

when tonny came down from the second floor and entered the living room he was very angry

As he tries to fix his pants, Tonny's face has a couple of very fresh scratches adorning his cheeks.

can be heard grumbling a couple of times ⁓"damn bitch"⁓

Tonny looks at John and tells him annoyed

⁓ "Don't blame me, technically I didn't touch her body, I just defended myself before that poor girl jumped out the window" ⁓

Tonny wipes his hands on a piece of cloth and as he does so John's face crumples and begins to blur, sobbing sadly.

John annealed the piece of cloth in Tonny's hands it was part of the dress of his granddaughter, Jonathan's eldest daughter

that dress had been given to her three months ago when they exchanged it for food

Tonny finished cleaning his hands and tells his classmates

⁓"put the girl's body in the basement with the bodies of the other two women so that the three bitches burn together"⁓ at the end of their words, the two assassins leave the house to look for the body lying in the yard

Tonny looks at John and says ⁓"oh come on John stop crying you'll join your family in a moment, it's just a matter of time, the point here is if you want to leave fast or stay to suffer another week or two "⁓

Tonny fetches his chair again and sits across from John again.

⁓ "If it's any use to you, the three women left intact, no one touched them, you understand me right"⁓

Tonny takes his gloves off his hands and reaches into his pocket for a cigarette, and as he rolled it up and lights it up, he comments to John

⁓"I can't say the same about your daughter-in-law or your sister-in-law, I loved how the two whores moaned and especially how their buttocks bounced

but business is business, you understand me right to save food "⁓

Tonny lights her cigarette and takes his first puff of smoke followed by a sigh and begins to say wistfully as she looks at the cigarette

⁓ "if I had known that this damn war would spread across half a territory thanks to our shitty politicians, I would have invested in the lands further south, did you know that they found diamonds buried outside the city of Lyon only two kilometers away from the impact of an atomic bomb"⁓

Tonny gets up from her chair and yells ⁓ "what a shit luck and it was all thanks to that city being bombed" ⁓

Tonny took another sip of his cigarette and took out his next puff of smoke ⁓"but look at the cost, those idiots knew there were diamonds, now none of that will do after winter, anyway John, it's time you signed"⁓

Tonny unties a hand and John immediately signs the paper.

as John signs, Tonny tells him ⁓"this land is perfect for agriculture you are the only owner of the land without contamination

if those damn tribes that spend their time watching weren't so stubborn and killed everyone without property titles, we really wouldn't have bothered you

Your idiot son knew it, but he had to wait a long time to mention it.

everything for the sale of his mother-in-law and you daughter was what delayed the entire operation or did you think that the two left of their own free will "⁓

After signing, Tonny checked the document for the third time, everything was correct, and told him between laughs

⁓"John don't worry it is said that 1/3 of the world's population died of hunger in the first winter, this year will be more chaotic than previous years remember

nuclear winter is coming"⁓

Tonny pulls a knife from his pocket and stabs John in the side multiple times, puncturing his rib and lung.

Tonny smiles after seeing how John falls to the ground and begins to choke on his own blood.

Tonny kicks John several times on the ground to hasten his death.

at the end he yells at his assassins

⁓"set the house on fire, let everything burn down"⁓ the two partners split up and each sets fire to a different area of ​​the house

John was still bleeding and it was becoming more difficult to breathe every second, his body began to turn pale from the lack of blood

John wanted to move a little to see his family for the last time but he couldn't, his physical condition is terrible

some tears escaped running down his cheeks and as John let out his last breath, a crack was heard in the sky


the noise was deafening, followed by a whistle *Fiiiiuuuu* to end with a huge explosion


explosion that wiped out half the desert from the sheer impact, shaking the entire central continent region in a massive earthquake

earthquake that caused some changes in the terrain

the army of the old continent still active, immediately requested an investigation, which the alliance of free peoples of the central continent completely refused

this time no one entered their territory, closing all borders

the results of the central alliance reported that a large area of desert had disappeared, without leaving any trace of what happened in the place

many people spoke of a flash in the sky or perhaps a meteorite fell in the area, raising the largest sandstorms in the history of the continent

storm that spread across the desert

It was not new that there were people living in the desert, in fact it was one of the safest places on the planet

out law of the jungle

sand storms move throughout the central continent and spreading to more than half of the neighbors

the eastern continent and the old continent



in the middle of the darkness I realize that something was wrong because I was still conscious and a sapphire blue light began to shine intensely

the light was like a streetlight and my behavior was like a firefly looking for light

I was not alone, there were more people in spirit form or semi-transparent ghosts walking towards the light in the form of a lantern and as time passed more and more semi-transparent spirit, kept coming

it was as if all the people wanted to touch that light

being closer to the light, it had a square geometric shape in 3D, the figure was like a Rubik's cube in Sapphire Blue, like the Tesseract cube from those famous superhero movies,

I remember them perfectly because they were the last most popular movies before the pandemic, after the pandemic and the beginning of the great world economic depression

the cube releases an energy that surrounds it and this energy prevents us all from touching it it is a kind of spiritual force field

this spiritual force that the cube gives off pushes us back

here was the strange

no spirit that surrounds him, at no time did he give up trying to touch that cube and the most terrifying thing was that as time passes, more and more semi-transparent spirit continue to arrive at this place

it's as if they were called by the cube in this alternate space

the image was very much like the early days of food shortages when people begged for a little food and could wait several days

I knew very well none of these spirits will surrender

everyone keeps trying as hard as they can to reach that little cube

Suddenly another silhouette stood on my back and with his two hands he pushed me forward, when I returned to see who it was that was pushing me and when I recognized it I smiled

I was not at all surprised by his actions

Lily always supported me through thick and thin, the funny thing was that the push only worked when her hands touch the middle of my back and when she touches other places it doesn't.

my wife began to push insistently, seconds later our daughter Lucy appeared, she also joined us

Moments later

Teresa my sister-in-law, appeared along with Sofia my mother-in-law, and to be honest, I did not know when the two arrived or where they came from.

they only appeared with us My sister Leticia, my nieces and my granddaughters also arrived

seeing them all together caused me great happiness

With all the help we began to take more distance from the other spirit beings, but our progress did not last long time, before the force exerted by the cube pushed us back again

but suddenly things changed when more silhouettes joined us

They were people I knew throughout my life, before or after the war, people from the company, the city, the street, people we met along our journey through the desert.

west of the continent and in other parts of the different cities of our way

the bad thing is that several groups used our tactic and also began to approach the cube, this caused us some regret and frustration

Until Estefania my daughter-in-law, and Keyla, my granddaughter, arrived. It was impressive to see my whole family gathered to help.

I managed to see how Lily let out a few pinches along with a couple of sighs, thank heaven we were spirits or that would have left several bruises on my skin

that was because every time a woman joined us Lily would try to pinch me, our line was the largest yet

when I managed to touch the cube everything around us went dark, all the spirits behind me suddenly disappeared

the whole place changed, now it was a totally dark room with the Sapphire Blue cube in the center this time I could see it clearly in front of my eyes

when touching the cube again everything disappeared again.....

Suddenly I heard Lily's voice calling me from a distance.






⁓ "John, John JOHN, honey, wake up" ⁓ Lily made several noises on the bed, while she moves my body to wake me up

open my eyes in terror, I don't understand what was happening right now

come on a moment ago, was choking me with the blood in my lungs

so I ask Lily in a panic ⁓"what, what's up"⁓ while trying to get up

Lily just snorts ⁓ "what the hell honey, you have to get up to go to work" ⁓ I get up and finish rubbing my eyes to get rid of the drowsiness, pulling my smartphone

but seeing the screen of my phone I was shocked for a few seconds

to then let out a cry ⁓"Jesus Christ"⁓

At the end of the scream I covered my mouth and my tears began to come out like rivers running down my cheeks

This scared Lily a bit and she immediately asked me ⁓ "What, what's wrong John you got" ⁓ while she gets out of bed

I manage to control my emotions a little and I assure him several times ⁓"nothing, nothing baby, it was just a nightmare, a fucking nightmare, please go back to sleep"⁓

When I finish talking, I immediately get out of bed and run towards the bathroom with my cell phone in my hand, while I try to calm down by breathing heavily.

I had mixed feelings, happiness to be live, fear of going through all that nightmare again, it's the real hell

go through that damn ordeal again with my family

all i can say was that i was back and not just a few days or a few weeks, this time I return, several years in time

long before the beginning of the atomic conflict

obviously I was scared, when I close the bathroom door I let out a sigh and try to calm down a little more I almost went into a nervous breakdown

[ 🔯 ]

at that moment an six-pointed pentagram is drawn under my feet and it began to shine this event put me on alert

when the symbol fully lights up everything around me went dark for a couple of seconds

moments later I appear in a kind of desolate paramo and it didn't matter where I looked everything is the same dry lands without any life

two seconds after arriving at the site, I begin to suffocate due to lack of air and in my mind an alert goes off

[ wait a moment please ]

I bring my hands to my throat, falling to the ground and start wallowing desperately for some air the feeling was so terrifying