The lady just shook her hands on top of the desk and gave me a thoughtful look, several minutes passed and a couple of sighs later.

Mrs. Brightman picked up the phone from the desk and dialed two digits (an extension) after one tone a man's voice is heard on the other end of the phone ⁓"Security Department"⁓

Mrs. Brightman covers the speaker and asks in a very serious tone ⁓"John something you need to tell me" ⁓ I shake my head a couple of times

⁓ "I want a complete report of John Stuart, what he has been doing, in the last year, who he was with, if he contacted compromising information and all his movements within the company "⁓ the manager did not answer and just waited for Mrs. Brightman to hang up

At the end of the call, while she hung up the phone, the lady tells me ⁓ "I'm sorry John, it's a mandatory procedure that we must carry out every time someone resigns unexpectedly" ⁓ the lady gets up and walks

I thought I would look in the cabinet for some paper or some kind of file, some of my documents or a file

when Mrs. Brightman gets up she just stretches, worse than a cat just woken up and as if that were not enough her back thunders like popcorn

⁓ "God needed it" ⁓ she says to me and stretches her back again

The lady walks a couple more steps and approaches a sofa, she points to it and tells me ⁓ "Come with me for a moment, the boys will take between 20 to 30 min. or it could be more" ⁓

while she sat me down, the lady asks me ⁓ "John, tell me what happened? or what is the reason for your resignation, if you can tell me ? true" ⁓ I try to explain to the lady that I will start my business without going into details on the subject

but we talked to an intelligent woman and as a good speculator she had some ideas of what she thought and she asks me ⁓ "are you thinking of competing against us ?" ⁓

At first I laughed at her question, it was somewhat ridiculous and between jokes I told her ⁓ "I would be crazy if I competed against you on your field and your own rules, obviously I would never be able to do anything relevant" ⁓

the lady nods with a bit of pride, it was not a great discovery, at that moment she injected, a bit of "curiosity" and cleared my throat

⁓"Oh! I was thinking of asking for some help"⁓ I say it under my breath to try to make it look like I accidentally said it

the heroin complex, in women is sometimes very strong and on this particular occasion she played against Mrs. Brightman

who doesn't take five minutes when she started asking for the truth with all the details

she grabbed my arm and sat me down next to her, having to tell her ⁓ "Mrs. Brigman, I would like with all my heart to say, but the conflict of interest prevents me from clarifying the problem" ⁓ I repeat this same phrase over and over again .

every time Mrs. Brightman, asks for an explanation, I repeats it, the lady's curiosity is such that she ends up speaking to the security department and pressuring them a bit

the pressure on the department reached the point that if, at this moment, I went out into the street and suffered some kind of accident, those from the security department would sculpt where I was lying due to resentment

the 20 min passed, after 30 min. then 40 min. and at the end of 50 min was when the security department gave up and made their call

⁓ "Mrs. Brigman, we are sorry to inform you but we reviewed the recordings with the entire team, the information that she asks us about the person and there is nothing suspicious" ⁓

Mrs. Brightman was silent, thinking, while the Security Department tries to explain to her why a guy named John Stuart would spend 7 to 8 hours of work sitting idly by the phone

the two or three interactions that I have are at the beginning of the week and at the end of the week, when the prices of the product that I handle (coffee) are presented, if the price has any relevant change, at that moment, they call me

but the price only falls year by year

Mrs. Brightman started biting her fingernails and we were interrupted by her secretary ⁓ "the document asked for" ⁓ Mrs. Brightman gets up, grabs the paper and slams it on the desk


⁓"Signature"⁓ points to the paper

I was confused because at the beginning of the paper it didn't say "Resignation" it said something very different, I frowned and looked for a response from Mrs. Brightman

⁓ "Don't look at me like that John, it's an exclusive contract to work with us" ⁓ the lady tells me while her secretary was there as a witness

I did not understand anything and Mrs. Brightman was not willing to say anything more

I shake my head as I tell her ⁓ "no" ⁓ I take two steps back, the secretary gets angry and she looks at me, as if she is going to shoot some rays through her eyes

while Mrs. Brightman asks me ⁓"why John"⁓ I just shrug and tell her ⁓"I want to work at my own pace"⁓

⁓ "That a woman is breathing on the back of my neck, sorry, it's not my style, I prefer to breathe on the back of her neck" ⁓ I try to confirm in some credible way

but the comment offended the secretary who snorted and went back to see the lady and asked me ⁓ "I'll call security, they would treat you well and snort as many times as you want on the back of your neck "⁓ I keep any comments to avoid falling in his boring game of good and bad detective

I go to the door, breaking the synchronicity of the two women, it was when her act of being a good person of Mrs. Brightman was erased and the secretary close her mouth

⁓"April you can go out"⁓ the lady says to the secretary and she only confirms and turned around, Mrs. Brightman returned to the desk

she sat down again and supported her hands waiting for my answer

At this point Mrs. Brightman was waiting for my answer, I put my hand in my pants pocket and took out a gold coin

I show it and put it on the desk

⁓ "I want two accounts, the first abroad and the second here, both in my name, the purchase will be at the market price "⁓ when I finished speaking, I stood in my place, waiting for an answer

The lady didn't give me an immediate answer. Her eyes were on the coin, which looked older than a gold doubloon.

Mrs. Brightman grabbed, checked, weighed and checked the currency and all its aspects swallowing a bit of saliva she tells me ⁓ "you know it is illegal to trade in stolen goods" ⁓

⁓"yes, my product is stolen or not, you don't care, you know perfectly well how price controls are applied in the markets and the purpose of governments in doing so

if you don't want to buy I don't have any problem, because I won't sell you "⁓ I stop in front of the desk and stretch out my hand asking for the coin

For a moment, the lady blanked out. Her secretary, Miss April, had returned and she was accompanied by five elements from the security department.

⁓"what happens if I accuse you of theft"⁓ I let out a sigh look at all the people in this office and I'll explain ⁓"at most it will be two to three years in jail"⁓

then I point to the guards ⁓ "them, I wouldn't be surprised, but her"⁓ pointing to the secretary who just lowers her head

To explain myself better, sometimes the sense of justice is so ingrained in people that it is more a kind of leech than a gift

that they are fair "yes", they are honest "yes", there is no doubt about that

but they are always the most stubborn people in this game, the most difficult to convince but when they see an injustice they will always defend it no matter the cost

Mrs. Brigman was still holding the gold coin in her hand, she points to me and tells her security guards ⁓ "check it out" ⁓

in seconds the five guys threw themselves on top of me, like dogs they captured me, beat and immobilized and searched me from head to toe

they only took out a wallet, car keys and Lily's panties

The ladies, not finding anything else, got annoyed with the guards for not finding anything ⁓ "Check it out well" ⁓ she yells at them, while Mrs. Brightman calls her husband, Mr. Alfredo

the guards in seconds checked me again while they threw me to the floor leaving me only wearing a boxer shorts, when Mr. Alfredo answered the video-call I watched the whole show and Mrs. Brightman told him her version of the story

her point was, that did not want to sign an exclusive sales contract with the company and this would teach me a lesson for my arrogance, after a sigh the man spoke to April and she described the whole truth

After giving him the truth of the story, told by the secretary, Mr. Alfredo asked me ⁓ "what is your source?" ⁓ I would be an idiot if he answered his question.

instead I give my price ⁓"$2000 per troy ounce"⁓ I reply

After thinking a bit, Mr. Alfredo orders them ⁓ April takes the coin to the laboratory for analysis and you return her clothes "⁓

Mrs. Brightman got upset and snorted a couple of times but she kept quiet for the duration of the call.

while she was putting my pants on, the president received the documents of the analysis of the gold coin, his happiness could be seen from miles away ⁓ "I can pay you 2000 per coin what do you think about that" ⁓ she tells me between laughs

I shake my head ⁓ "I will only sell at market price, what they do with those coins doesn't matter to me" ⁓ I tell Mr. Alfredo

Mr. Alfredo just nods and asks me ⁓"how many units do you have available"⁓

⁓"100 units all with the same quality and weight"⁓

Mr. Alfredo nods and looks at his wife and says ⁓"OK, deposit the amount of money according to your requirements, it was a pleasure to meet you Mr. John, see you soon"⁓

in less than five minutes the accounts were created and the money was transferred and triangulated, the notification was received on my cell phone

[ a deposit was made to your new bank account ]

I was a little confused, Mrs. Brightman told me ⁓ "we expect the rest of the product in a maximum of 3 days, now if you'll excuse me, the gentlemen will accompany you to the exit" ⁓ the guards escorted me to the reception

so without goodbyes or good treatment and cordial talks this is the real deal

As I go down in the elevator, I go to the company's official website and start asking for all the platinum they had in stock at that time.

all the platinum they have available for the future and not just on this site, I look for platinum in various other places, inside and outside the government

in the reception was a cardboard box with all my belongings from my office, which the guards handed me when I got out of the elevator brought by my secretary with her distinctive arrogant look

When I leave the building I arrive at the parking lot, I look for my car, when I enter I take my things out of the box, I put my things in the back seat of the car and occupy the box

I put the rest of the gold coins and on one of the papers where my resignation was, I write with large and scribbled letters

"Thanks for your purchase"

I put everything in the box and wait a couple of minutes in the car until I get the call

⁓"good afternoon sir, I am calling from Raw Materials "A&B" to confirm your request for two kilos of platinum"⁓ the lady on the phone tells me

⁓ "Yes miss, payment for the purchase has already been made, at the end of the call, call the finance department to verify the payment" ⁓ I reply:

The lady takes a moment to process the data and then tells me ⁓ "her payment is confirmed, please indicate her address where she will receive the material" ⁓

⁓"I am close to your company right now if you like you can leave the package at the reception, I confirm and sign the delivery of the material"⁓

the lady on the phone tells me ⁓"you need to have an official ID to receive the package"⁓

the process was somewhat cumbersome but the advantage is that they optimize your data and speed up all future deliveries

Upon returning to the reception the girl gets scared, thinking that I was going to do some cheap drama scene, she called the available security elements

the elements took out their teasers, stun batons and clubs ready to act ⁓"I'm here for a package, it's at the reception"⁓ I tell them while raising my hands

It took several minutes to confirm all the procedures, investigating everything from the purchase, the payment, to the girl, when these people finished their investigation

He was handcuffed with his hands behind his back.

when this whole show was over just look at the people involved and say out loud ⁓"CLOWNS"⁓ walking back to the parking lot and before I got in the car the platinum in my package was gone

it was too important to waste any more time, it was at that monument, when I heaved a huge sigh of relief, grabbed the box from the back seat of the car with the 99 gold coins and returned to the company reception

this time with a cardboard box

there were several people at the reception

between guards, employees and receptionist, they kept exchanging their stupid nonsensical comments, about my visit and the possibilities of being an aggressor due to their paranoia

seeing me arrive again, with a box in my hands, one of those clowns starts screaming as if his life depended on it

⁓"bomb, bomb has a bomb"⁓ everyone screams, cries and runs for his life

everything was a chaos in the reception