Chapter Twenty Three

Sieg had just entered the lobby of the Imperial Hotel, where the four of them – he, Cameron, Yvan, and Steph – were going to have lunch together, when Stephanie got out of the elevator. He smiled and waited for her to approach him.

"I heard you came from the hospital. How is Seya?" He asked as they walked towards one of the most famous restaurants in the hotel.

Stephanie sighed. "It's not serious, but the doctor suggested staying in the hospital for a few days. Over the past six months, he had been sick seven times. That's not fair, Sieg."

"Are you sure Seya isn't seriously ill?" He asked worriedly.

Steph smiled a little. "Don't worry. Doctor Wan's diagnosis could not be wrong. He's been the Lowells family doctor for thirty years, Sieg. If there's a problem, Grandpa is the first to know about it."

Sieg nodded. Well, that's true. Everything related to the Lowells Family, their grandfather was the first to know about it. Even if the problem lies with the company. He doesn't know how their grandpa found out, but he's pretty sure there are many people who work as Grandpa's "eyes".

Hell, he just remembered that. Maybe he should start praying, so that at the next family gathering, Grandpa won't talk about the bar. Geez, he doesn't even want to know if his grandpa knows it or not.

Both of them entered the restaurant and saw Cameron, who was busy with his fried dumplings, and Yvan, who seemed to be enjoying seeing Cameron enjoying his meal. Sieg blinked in surprise.

That guy is always weird. Moreover, he is the eldest grandson of the Lowells family.


Hans sighed. "Could you not nod at me?" he said.

"Why? I am your sibling. Don't always be so cold to me, Hans. Dad won't like it, if he finds out."

He hissed. "If dad finds out, then I know who told him. Why call me, eh? Do you want to show me off about your life in Japan?"

"Hans, you talk like I've committed a grave sin. Well, actually, I really wanted to ask you to come to Japan. I need your help."

He frowned. "What kind of help? I am a doctor. Why should I help a lawyer?"

"Precisely. Because you are a doctor, Hans. The problem is quite complicated if I try to solve it over the phone. Are you going to Japan in the near future? At least in two weeks' time?"

"Hailey, my current position doesn't allow for leave. After all, I just started working. Are you telling me to ask permission to go to the hospital, eh?" Hans cried out, annoyed. His twin sister always does what she wants, including Blaze, and Hans hates his sister's attitude.

"I can help you get a pass to the hospital, Hans. Come on, I'm your twin sister. Help me, eh? "

He massaged his forehead. "You are indeed my twin sister, but that doesn't mean you can act as you wish, Hailey Reyes. And I don't need your help to get permission to go to the hospital. I'll do it myself, but I can't promise anything. If the hospital doesn't give you permission, then you look for another doctor."

"Alright. But please try it, okay? I don't want to deal with doctors in Japan. Thank you, my dear twin brother. You are my savior."

Hans suddenly cut off contact. He snorted in annoyance. Hailey's attitude really annoyed him. Especially with all the things that happened. But after all, he can't ignore his sister – no matter how much he hates her for hurting Blaze.

He took a deep breath. "Well, if I go to Japan, I can at least make him feel a little bit miserable. A little revenge won't kill Hailey."


Mark sipped his mango coconut while watching Jacel closely. His friend was busy alone looking at the basketball court where several students, including Kevin, were playing. It sounded crazy because the temperature was still quite cold and they were only wearing uniforms without thick jackets. One of the quickest ways to commit suicide.

He sighed. "What are you doing again, eh? You haven't seen each other for a few days, and you look sick. Anything on your mind?"

"No," Jacel answered quickly.

She's lying, he thinks as he looks back at the field. At that time, Kevin managed to put the ball into the ring. The young man smiled and hi-fived with his teammates. Mark wonders if Jacel has a problem with her half-brother. It's a little weird, anyway, when she drags him to the basketball court after seeing Kevin carrying the ball.

Mark takes another sip of his drink and looks at Jacel. "Something happened to you guys?"

Suddenly, the girl looked at him. "Eh?"

"Come on, Jacel Kim. I quite know your character and attitude. Lying to me is not the best option. Has Kevin started bugging you at home? Like an annoying stepbrother?" Mark said.

Jacel sighed and glanced at Kevin, who was giving a pass to his friend. "You don't want to hear it, Mark."

"Hah?! Just tell me, what's the worst thing that could happen between you two," He said again.

Jacel slightly lowered her head, staring at her shoes. She took a deep breath and looked at her friend intently. "If Hunter knows this, then I don't care if he has to go to jail, you understand?" Mark just nodded firmly. Jacel threatened him, so maybe things were really complicated.

"Kevin likes me," The girl finally said.

Mark winces with his big eyes. "That's good, isn't it? So, he won't be such an annoying stepbrother."

"Not like that, Mark. More than that," Jacel mumbled quietly.

There is a pause for a few minutes. Mark stared at his friend intently for a moment, then he turned to look at Kevin, who this time was watching Jacel, but went back to playing. He may be blind, but the atmosphere has been a little strange since he first met Kevin at Jacel's house.

He took a sip of his drink. Then he looked back at Jacel. Well, he doesn't see the lie. More worry. "Oh, I probably shouldn't know that. But, already. I didn't think that… Euhm, you know when he started…"

"He didn't say exactly when, but from the first time we met, he's been curious about me. So, since the start of the semester? "I don't know, I don't know," Jacel replied.

Mark sighed again. "Then your reaction? You haven't..."

Jacel just kept quiet and averted her eyes. Mark opened his mouth again, but there were no words to come out. He was about to take a sip of his drink, but he realized that it had run out.

He cleared his throat slowly. "You like him too? In the same way?"

"I do not think so. Or not yet. Would you believe me if I said I was confused by all this? Even since he kissed me-"

"Kiss?!? When?!" Mark almost screams loudly.

Jacel nodded. "The day before you came home to pick up a book. It just happened. Just a quick kiss and nothing more. But since then, I've been trying to think about everything. We are siblings now; his mother is my mother, and my father is his father. This doesn't have to happen, does it?"

Mark looked at Kevin, who had again managed to enter the ball. "It shouldn't have happened. But there's something I want to ask again. How about the guy who stares at you from art class? Oh, wait! Is he the one?! Or…"

Jacel nodded again. This time, Mark felt a headache. Too much information in less than fifteen minutes. He needed to think for a moment, but he couldn't let Jacel sink into confusion.

"Jacel, I can't say anything. After all, this is your own life. You think about it first. You should probably talk about this, and if there's no way out, you should talk to your parents. I'm just your friend, but I can assure you that I will always be behind you. Whatever your decision, I will respect it. And Hunter won't find out, I'm sure of that," Mark said.

The girl smiled faintly. "Thank you, Mark."

Well, he doesn't think that person should know this either.
