Chapter Twenty Five

Jacel took a deep breath as she looked at Kevin's back, who was walking in front of her. The young man, several months younger than her, was busy with headsets plugged into both ears. Kevin appeared to close himself off again after their second kiss, or so she claimed. They only talk as necessary when in front of their parents, and Kevin prefers to paint in his room.

Today is the fifth new semester. There hasn't been any change in Kevin's attitude since last week. In addition, they rarely see each other at school. They may go to and from school together, but she hardly ever meets Kevin in any area of ​​the school. It made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Jacel sighed as they sat at the stop and waited for the next bus to arrive. Every now and then she glanced at Kevin, who was standing next to her, and the young man was still struggling with his own music. She pulled her scarf to cover part of her face again. The weather in Manila is still not friendly to her. Although it's not as bad as Mark's relationship with cold weather, she also sometimes doesn't like rainy days.

On the other hand, Kevin also hates his attitude of ignoring Jacel again like a few weeks before. But he had no other choice. They have already entered school, and Kevin doesn't want to give the girl any trouble later. Well, not everyone at school knows about his mother's marriage to Jacel's father, but Kevin doesn't want to take the risk. So, for a while–until they graduate, maybe–Kevin will stay away from her while at school.

Soon, the bus stopped right in front of them. Kevin entered the bus first and took a seat in the back. He knew that Jacel would choose another vacant seat, since there must be other students from their school who might be taking the same bus. So, they both reduce the risk of their new relationship being discovered by more people.

Jacel sighed and took out her phone and put on the headset. She doesn't know that Kevin's habit seems to have spread to her. She often listens to music when she is not doing anything. Just to make her feel comfortable. Slowly, the bus walked back to their school.


She put down her bag and removed the headset from her ear. Then she put her cellphone in her pants pocket after removing the headset from the phone. The school atmosphere has not changed much. Hell, nothing has changed except the sibling relationship between her and Kevin. And also about Kevin's feelings for her.

Jacel then walked towards the large window – her seat was in the second row by the window, the third table from the back. The weather in Manila is still cloudy and it looks like it might rain again. She noticed a collection of gray clouds, which reminded her of Kevin's painting.

An illusory painting of a collection of white clouds that turns out to be an angel. She wonders where the painting is now. Because she doesn't see it anymore at home. If Kevin brought it to school to display in the main lobby of the school, she should have been able to see it from the first day she entered, right?

She sighed again. Well, that's none of my business, she thought.

Jacel was about to return to her desk when Mark came half-running into the classroom. He approached her breathlessly. She frowned. "Why are you panting like that?"

Without saying a word, Mark then grabbed her hand and led her out of the classroom. Several students who had come watched the two curiously. Well, it's not usually Mark to act like that in the morning when the weather is cold like now.

So, something must be going on.


"Why can't you come with me?!" Siegfried shouted in a loud voice.

Cameron almost covered his ears because of Sieg's screams. He snorted in annoyance and stared at his cousin between his busy work and the pile of documents. The condition of the company is not good enough at this time. He found that his division had another problem, so he had to solve it as quickly as possible. Hell, he hasn't even come home since yesterday. Most of the employees haven't gone home yet.

"The reason you can see for yourself from this pile of document folders, Siegfried Lowells. You also know how the situation is now. Come on, it's just a trial as usual. After all, it's already the third trial, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem, right? Blaze can handle it and you just need to sit still," said Cameron.

Siegfried groaned. "Well, this is just a normal trial. But I can't just sit down with Lawyer Schift. Come on, you know how our relationship has been. I'll help you settle the contract issue with Haesun, but only as long as you come with me to today's trial."

Cameron glared. "Siegfried Lowells, can't you see how I am now?! I haven't even showered since yesterday! Do you think my current condition allows me to appear in court without making headlines in the newspapers?! Hell, no! You can take Steph or Yvan. Well, that's if you dare."

"Cameron Carter...!!"

"Go now, Director Lowells. You can be late for court, and that's not good etiquette. At the very least, during the trial, keep your attitude. Even until the trial is over and you're back in the office, don't make unnecessary arguments. With everyone!" He said firmly.

Siegfried sighed in frustration. "Cameron Carter …"

"Director Siegfried Lowells!!" Cameron said more firmly.

Well, he may sometimes bow to Siegfried's attitude, but he can also be more assertive than his cousin. And if that doesn't work, he will use the last resort. Complain to Sieg's father or their grandfather. It sounds childish, but so far it's powerful enough.

Siegfried hissed in annoyance and then left his room, annoyed with the crown of his head. On purpose, he closed the door harshly. Cameron sighed and leaned back in his chair. He rubbed his face. Siegfried really frustrated him. How could his cousin act like a child just because he didn't want to be alone with Blaze Schift during the trial.

Uh? Just the two of us? With Blaze Schift?

Cameron looked at the door and took a breath. "Come on, just let it go. Sooner or later, this has to happen."

Then he continued to work. He had to finish quickly if he wanted to get home before lunch and take a hot shower.


Well, in the end, Siegfried went to court alone. Although he could have followed Cameron's suggestion to ask Steph or Yvan to accompany him, he couldn't do that. Hell, he is not a six-year-old child who still has to be accompanied by an adult wherever he goes.

He was still in his car, and he could tell that Blaze had arrived – heck, he clearly recognized the lawyer's car. He glanced at the clock on his wrist. There were still thirty minutes before the trial began. Well, he will be there five minutes before the trial starts.

Or is that the plan?

Siegfried hissed in annoyance when his phone rang and Lawyer Schift's name appeared on the screen. He slid the green button. "Yes, Siegfried Lowells."

"Ah, Mr. Lowells, are you still on the road? I just contacted Cameron and he said that you were the only one who came to the court today. Are you close?"

Siegfried pressed his forehead hard. Damn you, Cameron Carter!

"I'm still on my way. Maybe it will be around five or ten minutes," He lied. One lie won't get him killed, right?

"Ah, that's how it is. But could it be sooner because the trial date appears to have been pushed forward? The judges have arrived. I'll try to buy time."

One thing Siegfried didn't think of. "Huh?! In-progress? Doesn't the trial start at half past ten? It's only nine o'clock."

"Maybe because today's agenda is only to hear the final statement from Mr. Kim's side before the final hearing next week, I'll try to buy some time. Hurry up, Mr. Lowells."

Then Blaze cut the phone call unilaterally. Leaving him, who appears to be still stunned by the sudden acceleration of the trial time. Without wasting any time, he got out of the car and ran through the parking lot to the courthouse.

Heck, he hates Cameron Carter.


Jacel noticed Kevin, who was staring at his torn painting. In addition, her photo, which was attached to the school wall magazine, was also damaged. A photo of her when her music class won the annual festival. The teachers and school security have checked the school's CCTV to find out who is behind it, but there is no evidence.

She sighed and turned her attention to Kevin's defaced painting. Well, it's Kevin's illusion painting. According to their teacher, the painting will only be installed in the main lobby of the school next Monday. But because of this incident, it's likely that Levi's painting will be on display.

"This is very unexpected, but we will investigate until the culprit is caught. You'd better go back to class," said the teacher.

Jacel nodded and bowed. Then she left the teacher's room first. Before leaving, she looked back at Kevin, who didn't take his eyes off his painting – until finally their teacher tapped him on the shoulder and spoke to Kevin. She sighed, then walked out. But she didn't go straight back to class. She waited until Kevin came out of the teacher's room.

Shortly after her, Kevin came out of the teacher's room. Kevin stared at her for a few seconds before leaving her.


Kevin's footsteps stopped, but he didn't turn around.

Jacel then approached him. "Let's talk first," she said, as she consciously grabbed Kevin's hand.

She brought Kevin to the school roof. The two are now facing each other. She stares at Kevin intently, although Kevin seems more interested in his shoes.

She sighed and took the cellphone and headset from Kevin's jacket pocket. She put the headset in Kevin's ear and started playing a playlist of songs that Kevin often listens to. Then she put the phone into Kevin's jacket pocket. Jacel looked back at Kevin's expression, who seemed to be devastated by the events of this morning. Well, she knew for a fact that Kevin worked hard to finish the illusion painting.

Again, she sighed. Jacel slowly hugged Kevin's body. She knew that a hug might not bring Kevin's painting back to the way it was, but this was all she could do. Gently, she patted Kevin's back.

"It doesn't matter. The teachers will find the culprit. So, it's okay," She whispered.

Well, with their height difference, which is quite striking, Jacel buried her face in Kevin's chest. The air temperature may be very cold, but somehow, she feels hot. She continued to pat Kevin on the back and say "it's okay" over and over again, even though there was no response from Kevin.

Until finally, Kevin returned the hug to her and she could feel every breath of Kevin in her ear. And every second, she felt her body temperature continue to rise.
