Siegfried put two bowls of warmed kimchi soup on the counter. One for him and the other bowl for Blaze. He had warmed some of the food he had prepared earlier this morning and made another inedible menu. While preparing breakfast, he contacted Cameron to go to the Legion and bring clothes for Blaze. Well, for the size, he can guess from the man's clothes that he brought to the laundry. Even though he wasn't sure, when Blaze put it on he could see if his prediction was right or not.
Unless Cameron tried to hit him for not saying anything.
He then walked to the room to wake Blaze. However, when he entered the room, he didn't see him on the bed and heard his voice from the bathroom. Immediately, he went to the bathroom and saw Blaze throwing up again, expelling whatever was in his stomach.
He approached him and patted his back. Blaze pushed his hand away and turned on the sink faucet. The water threw away everything that he had expelled.