Blaze entered Siegfried's room, and he was surprised by how much food was available. It is impossible for a hospital to bring so much food to just one patient.
"You're going to finish all this food alone?" he asked as he walked over to the bed.
Siegfried just smiled faintly. "My mother brought it, but maybe I'll give it to the nurses. I can't spend it alone anyway."
Blaze sat on the edge of the bed and stared intently at Siegfried. "You had another fight with your mother? Because of me?"
"Why do you talk like that?"
"I can see your expression. Besides, I kind of heard the sound of you and your mother screaming earlier."
"Is that true? Does it sound that loud?"
He shook his head. "Just a feeling. Are you okay?"
Siegfried took his hand and nodded. "I'm well. Don't worry. But why are you on the IV again? What did the doctor say?"