Big Brother Has Returned

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, just watch me!"

Before Chu Ning left the office, she patted Lin Hao on the shoulder. Although this was what the leader did to his subordinates, Lin Hao was not unhappy at all.

On the contrary, he felt more confident.

Chu Ning's behavior was hinting to Lin Hao that she had absolute confidence to give the school a surprise!

"Chu Ning, Chu Ning. Ever since you returned to your real home, as a form teacher, I have become more and more unable to see through you. Perhaps this is the will of God..." Lin Hao said softly as he watched Chu Ning disappear into the distance.

Chu Ning did not take a taxi directly from the school that day. She first walked to the spot where she had parked her car in the morning and drove in the direction of her new home. She wanted to park the Rolls-Royce in the garage.