Top Five

"Mom, I know. I'm not a child. And this time, I'll be with the school; there will be so many others," Chu Ning explained with a smile.

"Okay, Xiao Ning, rest early then. Don't stay up too late." Mother Chu then continued to tidy the house up.

After she and Father Chu finished their day's work, there was almost no leisure time left. They rested at around eight o'clock each night and had to wake at five or six o'clock in the morning, working more than twelve hours daily without rest days.

Chu Ning looked at her mother's exhausted figure. Although Chu Ning's mother was not yet fifty years old, she looked much older than her years.

Chu Ning felt a slight heartache. She had been there for such a long time. Other than buying her parents a set of clothes for the Dragon Boat Festival Gala, she had not done anything for them.

Chu Ning decided to add some new appliances to the house when she returned, including new furniture.