In Trouble

"Hello, are you Miss Chu? You have a delivery here. There is a delivery station two kilometers away from the address you provided. The sender specially noted that it is urgent. Please come and sign for it."

The delivery man's spoke continuously, which made Chu Ning feel puzzled.

Who would send a parcel to her at this time, and even request for her to go down personally to get it?

"Hello, can I ask who sent it and where it came from?" Chu Ning asked with a smile.

"The sender here is Mr. Chu Ming, from XX District," the courier replied patiently.

"Then send me the address, I'll get it later," Chu Ning continued.

"You must come to get it personally. This is the request written on the sender's remarks," the courier reminded Chu Ning.

"Okay, I got it." A moment later, Chu Ning hung up the phone and was deep in thought.

After thinking for a while, she called Father Chu.