Speed up the Progress

"Really amazing. It's like they're real sisters," a female colleague said sourly when she saw Chu Ning and Gu Xin holding hands.

"Sister Gu Xin, what do you think of my brother?" Chu Ning asked softly as she walked.

"I won't say anything about his merits. Everyone in the company can see them. As for weaknesses, it doesn't seem to be a weakness. It's just that you can't guess his true intentions at all. He's always gentle and polite on the outside. I've never seen him angry. It's as if everything is under his control. Sigh... I haven't known him for long. Just this morning, it was the first time I've seen him smile so happily. You were the one who called him, right?" Gu Xin had a sweet and somewhat shy expression.

"I also want him to show me his other side, but I always feel like there's a barrier," Gu Xin then said in a distressed tone.