Take Me Away

"I'd rather be shot to death by you than be trapped here! Also, even if you don't teach Cao Xing a lesson, I will. But not now, maybe a few years later? However, getting rid of Cao Xing is not my ultimate goal. I want to go out, I want to see the world out there! Cao Xing is still not worthy of being my opponent. I believe it's just a matter of convenience for you to deal with him," Chu Yuen said indifferently.

Getting close to Cao Yun and becoming friends with him had only been Chu Yuen's first step.

"Tsk, tsk, this is rare. Do your parents know that you're so powerful?" Chu Yang smiled.

It was obvious that the fuse for Cao Xing's defeat and the Laoshan Village no longer having a village chief had started with the young man's scheme.

Naturally, Chu Yuen knew Cao Yun's character and personality. Everything that happened after seemed to have occurred naturally, but in fact, it was completed under the deliberate guidance of this young man.