Searching for Treasure

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's start looking now!" Chu Mei said impatiently.

"Fourth Aunt, before you look for the treasure, you should go to Grandpa's coffin and offer your respects sincerely. Otherwise, you won't be able to find it if you're not sincere," Chu Ning added.

"I was wondering why your father would come back so eagerly every year. It turns out that he has been eyeing the treasure left by the old man for a long time!" Chu Mei looked at Chu Ning and said with a disgruntled expression.

"That's right!" Chu Ning said helplessly.

She was even more speechless.

In the eyes of these relatives, Father Chu's filial piety was only for the sake of that illusory treasure.

"Since that's the case, let's hurry in and pay our respects," the beautiful woman standing beside Chu Yuan said hastily.

Then, she pulled Chu Yuan into the central room. Chu Tao and Chu Mei followed closely behind, afraid that they would miss something.