Realizing Reality

"No, I don't want to go to jail. I know I was wrong. Please forgive me! Someone asked me to do this. If I did this, he would give me money..." Luo Fei said bitterly.

"I don't care about this now. It's fine if you don't want to go to jail. Call Uncle and Auntie now and tell them the truth about your gambling. I don't want the money I lent you. I'll forget about you scamming me. This is the last time I'll care about you, for the sake of your parents. You and I are no longer friends," Chu Huan took a deep breath and said indifferently.

The impression of Luo Fei's parents appeared in Chu Huan's mind.

How could a kind and soft-spoken couple give birth to such a son?

In the past, every time they came to school to visit Luo Fei, they would always take care of the other three people in the dormitory.