Industrial Park

"I didn't take in those homeless people who only want to freeload. They won't work hard even if given a chance," Zhang Bo said to Chu Ning while driving.

After hearing Zhang Bo's words, Chu Ning nodded lightly.

"Although I'm making them work for me, I'm also helping them. However, there are some people who really don't need help," Chu Ning continued.

Chu Ning agreed with Zhang Bo; she only helped those who saved themselves.

Or rather, these people had to show her the value and meaning of their existence.

Chu Ning had not yet reached the level of a philanthropist. She did not have the ability to do charity yet.

With more and more enemies, she had to seize all the time and opportunities to develop herself.

Half an hour later. Chu Ning and Zhang Bo arrived at the entrance of the industrial park.