Looking for Trouble

Opposing Zhang Rong was merely the beginning. Zhou Wei knew Zhou Hao's weaknesses very well.

Due to the restriction of being from the same family, it was not convenient for Zhou Wei to deal directly with Zhou Hao. Chu Ning was the best candidate to deal with Zhou Hao.

"Don't show yourself for now. Don't be anxious, or things will only get worse. You have Cloud Shopping in your hands, so the advantage is on your side. There are too many people involved with Zhang Rong. It's very dangerous for you to be on opposing sides. Not only you, even I am not in a good situation. I have also been warned," Yang Feng said solemnly.

Zhang Rong had people supporting and protecting him, and it was an existence that even Yang Feng was deeply afraid of.

"Yes." Zhou Hao nodded, his expression normal.

However, a storm was brewing in his heart.

In M City, there were only a handful of people who could make Yang Feng so cautious.