
The map displayed on the projection screen was only a thousand meters away from where The Parade was.

It was foreseeable that the area within a few kilometers of this place would become popular with this policy.

"When will the higher-ups issue an official document?" a member of the meeting asked uncertainly.

"Why are you asking this?" Minister Niu glanced at the member who spoke.

Such a question once again extinguished the eagerness in these people's hearts. They knew that, even Minister Niu, who was sitting in the main seat, might only have a rough idea. As for the exact date, no one could say.

"Regardless of whether it's done intentionally or not, I don't want the outside world to hear about it. Thus, be prepared; this department has never lacked people," Minister Niu said earnestly.

The meeting continued. After skipping this sensitive topic, the atmosphere in the meeting room became less heavy.