A Teaching Moment

Su Ming understood what Su Kun meant, but he did not risk his life like Su Kun did when he was young. He did not crawl through the quagmire of human nature and use everything he could to put together this family business. That was why he only knew about it, but he did not know how to use it, nor did he know how to be on guard against it.

Su Kun was already middle-aged, and had seen a lot of the world. He knew very well where his son's flaws lay. Su Ming was adequately smart and thorough, but he lacked experience. He was still too naive.

Su Ming was already considered one of the best among his peers, but if he wanted to take over Su Kun's position and take the Su family to the next level, he could not limit himself to his current standards. He had to read people better, to understand his opponent better than himself.

At that moment, someone knocked on the door. Su Ming asked loudly, "What is it?"