
Wu Ling saw Yun Yu's hesitation and was satisfied. He also appeared to relax, and his tone carried with it some pride. "Good child, if you have anything to say, just say it. I won't blame you. After all, you're my only nephew."

Wu Ling purposely emphasized the word 'only'. When Chu Ning saw the smug look on his face, she could not help but mock him for being a fool. Su Ming was still there, so he did not have to speak so smugly.

Chu Ning narrowed her eyes. Besides, they had all heard it clearly — Wu Ling was about to scheme against Su Ming. If Su Ming could still tolerate it, then he would really be a disgrace to the Su family.

As expected, the smile on Su Ming's face had already disappeared, and the words he said were so icy that they were about to freeze. "Mr. Wu, even if Mr. Yun Yu is your nephew, this is the Su family's cruise ship after all. I'm the host, so you shouldn't get too ahead of yourself."