Chapter 39: Modern Art, Classic setting

Sol looked at the walls in trepidation and stilted curiosity as he took in the complex symbols – demonic sigils – that adorned the walls and art of Mrs. Tyler's art room. He pushed down the queasy feeling in his stomach as he looked around to make sense of the chaos.

That was the only way to describe it. Any semblance of order had long since been abandoned. Art supplies that had previously been organized according to colors, shapes, use, etc, lay in bundled masses or strewn about, dirty or disused in whatever fashion they had been abandoned.

Much of it seemed ruined. Their eyes scanned the room to find it momentarily empty. The only sound of movement came from a storage closet in the far back, one Sol knew to be quite large.

Instead of alerting her to their presence they simply stood waiting for her, allowing themselves the uninterrupted moment to study her lair before she made herself known. Something inside him said that she already knew.