Chapter 12: Deepening Feelings

Liliana's POV

The bright lights of the emergency room were beginning to give Liliana a headache. Aubrey could be heard behind the dividing curtain laughing with the young resident stitching the skin above her eye. The two were making jokes about the nasty purple bruise starting to appear around her left eye.

Liliana had moved into the waiting area when the nurse rounded the bed Aubrey was sitting on with a loaded pushcart. The staff was beginning preparations to close up the wound. The two friends also knew it was time to make a phone call to Aubrey's husband.

"Tom, I'm not really sure what happened. Showed up after my run, and she had been pushed into the flower cooler. But not after being hit over the head."

Hanging up, Liliana regretted having lied to Tom. She had left out the part about a threat. Aubrey had begged her not to say anything.

"Tom will shut the shop down if he suspects someone is targeting me or you. You have to trust me on this one."