Chapter 37: Darick Returns Home

Liliana's POV

"Mrs. Medlock, you know I will be perfectly fine. You and Mr. Medlock drive back and check on everything out at the county house. Darick will be home before the week's end. I can easily direct the delivery company to properly put all the remaining bags and boxes that arrive into this room."

The two women were standing in the doorway leading into the baby nursery. A few weeks prior, Liliana had walked past a shop nearby that specialized in nursery furnishings. However, it was really the window display that caught her attention. A tiny cradle with cascading tulle acting as faux mosquito netting had been positioned in the center.

Liliana entered the shop expecting only to look around. She still had not touched any of the monies Darick made available to her shortly after their wedding. Instead, the personal financial advisor managing her assets kept calling to check in with her. He knew the first meeting had left Liliana in a state of shock.