Chapter 2: Let Go

The dance was all anyone talked about for the next couple of weeks at school. The hallways buzzed with chatter about who wore the best dresses, who looked the hottest, and, of course, Prom Queen. It was no surprise to anyone that Leah, the most popular girl in school, had won.. And she ensured that no one forgot about it.

"Ugh. You'd think she won Miss Universe or something," Kai scoffed. Kai was Nora's best friend. They'd known each other since they were in preschool. Their parents had long believed that they would get married and live happily ever after. But when Kai came out a few years ago, those dreams were dashed.

"You should have seen her there. It was so much worse," Nora answered, rifling through her locker. "I wish you were there."

"Don't start that again. If I'm going to make it in this world as a professional dancer, these competitions are important."

"I know. You worked really hard for this one and deserved that first-place win. Congratulations, again by the way ."

"Thanks, girl," Kai said adding an imaginary hair flip. "There was a Clan meeting afterwards, and they made a big deal out of it. It felt pretty good."

"I bet it did."

Kai was a dhampir. His mother was a prominent figure in the Vampire community, and his father was a human businessman who'd caught her attention. Because he was a half-blood, he was able to tolerate daylight. As long as he wore sunscreen and got the proper amount of sleep. He inherited his mom's pale skin and white-blonde hair. But his father's warm brown eyes and even warmer smile dominated his features. Nora had never seen him drink blood, but she knew he had to every now and then.

Supernatural beings lived amongst each other that way. Werewolves, Vampires, Witches, and Humans all co-existed in a sort of fragile way. Half-bloods like Kai were rare though. Most of the supernaturals tended not to mix. Especially not with humans. Nora was always drawn to them. She felt a sort of kinship and attraction to the supernaturals. Though she figured most humans did. There was something just "more" about them. It was alluring, teeming with a sexy sort of mystery.

The school bell rang throughout the hallways, signaling it was time to get to class.

"Come on, Rapunzel. Let's go," Kai said, tugging at a stray lock of Nora's hair.

"Don't call me that," Nora groaned. "You know I hate that."

"Sorry," he smiled, revealing small fangs.

Nora's long hair had earned her the nickname of "Rapunzel" over the years. It had gotten so bad that some even believed it to be her real name. Most people envied her long, thick, shiny dark hair. But Nora was not among them. She longed to cut it. She'd always felt she was too short for such long hair. But her parents refused to let her touch it. Not even trim it. Yet somehow it never needed much tending to. Nora had tried neglecting it for a time, hoping that it would mat and then need to be chopped off. But it remained just as perfect as ever. It was the bane of her existence. It hung to the backs of her knees, like a lustrous, ebony waterfall.

"Just go," Nora pushed Kai towards class. "We can't be late for our last class as high school students."

"I bet you wouldn't hate it so much if your mystery man called you that," Kai teased.

"Stop that!" Nora's face turned a brilliant shade of pink.

"Tell me again what he looked like. I need a clear mental image for my fantasies tonight."

Nora laughed and leaned into Kai with a playful shove.

"You are too much."

"Please, like you won't be doing the same thing. You know, maybe he's bi, and we can share him!"

"You wish!" They laughed on their way to class while the vision her handsome stranger danced in her head.

Nora's last day as a high school student went just like her first. She and Kai clung to each other as much as they could, people either ignored her or made fun of her, and she went home. It was a chapter of her life she could finally move on from. Her 18th birthday was approaching, and she was going to ask her parents for the one thing they had always denied her. A haircut.

"I don't think they'll go for it. Especially your mom. She's so attached to your hair," Kai said as they walked home.

"Yeah. But I'll be eighteen. I should be allowed to do what I want with my hair," Nora asserted. "It grows out of my head. I'm not asking for much."

"You say that..."Nora and Kai went their separate ways. She took a deep breath and steeled herself.

You can do this. It's your hair.

"I'm home," she called out as she walked inside.

"Welcome home, sweetheart," Nancy called from the living room. She set her book down on the coffee table and hugged her daughter. "How was your last day?"

"It was fine. Nothing to report. Where's Dad?"

"He's out back, working on something."

"Can you call him into the kitchen? There's something I'd like to talk to you both about."

"Sure." Nancy looked concerned. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine. There is something I'd like to ask you. That's all."

"All right. I'll go get him."

Frank and Nancy James both worked from home. He was a custom furniture builder, and she was a virtual assistant. It kept them close her whole life. It was a blessing and a curse. Once everyone settled around the table, Nora took another deep breath.

"Mom, Dad, as you know, my 18th birthday is coming up."

"Yes, it is," Frank smiled, a conspiratorial glint in his eyes.

"Our little girl is becoming a young woman," Nancy added. "It's a big deal."

"Right. There is something I want to ask you both for. Something I've wanted for a long time. But more than that. I think it's something I need."

"We completely understand," her mom continued, her eyes misting with tears. "You're growing up now."

"We were going to keep this a secret, but we can't anymore." Frank reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box and slid it across the table.

'A gift card to a hair salon?!' Nora thrummed with anticipation. She opened the box with hopeful fingers. However, it wasn't what she wanted. In the box, were a set of car keys.

"A car?" Nora asked, her hope deflated.

"Surprise!" they called out.

"It isn't much," Nancy stated. "But it's really cute. And it's bright yellow! Your favorite!"

"Thank you," Nora said. "I'm sure I'll love it, but... it's not what I wanted. All I really want for my birthday is a haircut."

Her parents blanched, all color escaping their features.

"A hairc..." Nancy stammered. "A haircut? Nora, why?"

"What do you mean, 'why'? It's all I've ever wanted. My long hair is pretty and all, but I don't like it! I'm too small for so much hair. It's heavy and takes forever to put up. I'd look so much nicer with short hair."

"You look beautiful just as you are," her father added. His warm, playful tone had become stern.

"I'm not saying I don't but..."

"Sweetie, we have been through this. Your hair is so special. It's what makes you, you. You're our little Rapunzel."

"No, it doesn't! I am not my hair!" she cried, grabbing at the offending locks. "I am not Rapunzel! And that isn't a reason!"

"Yes, it is," Nancy did her best to contain herself. Nora couldn't tell if her mother was speaking with anger or panic. "Your hair is perfect, and we will not be cutting it."

"But why not?"

"Because we said so," Frank concluded. "End of discussion. Your car is being delivered tomorrow. Happy birthday." He got up from the table and went back to work.

"Mom, why?" Nora asked with tears in her eyes. "It's just hair. It grows back. Why can't I cut it? I've done everything you've ever wanted. Why can't you two give me this?"

"It's like your father said. We said no," Nancy dabbed at her eyes with a napkin. "We can return the car if you want. We'll give you something else."

"No, don't do that. I'll love it. Thanks. I'll be in my room." Nora walked upstairs, her steps heavy with defeat. She flung herself into her bed and let her tears fall. After what felt like hours, there was a soft knock at her door.

"Sweetie, it's time for dinner," Nancy called.

"I'm not hungry!" Nora yelled from her bed.

"Right." Nancy's voice was small and sad, but there was a finality to it that Nora couldn't ignore. They were never going to let her cut her hair. For no reason other than they didn't want her to. "Goodnight, honey."

"Good night."


"Nora... Nora..."

"Who is that? Who's calling me?"

"Nooorrrrraaaaa... the voices whispered.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"We see you. We are waiting for you."

"What do you want?"

"We have been waiting for you. We have watched you. You are ready?"

"Ready for what?"

In the distance, she could see the silhouettes of several people. One of them extended their hands towards her. Nora tried to reach for them but felt herself being tethered in place. By... hair?

"Let me go!" she shouted at her bindings. As she struggled, they only tightened, pulling her further and further away from the figures just barely beyond her reach. "I have to get to them!"

"Nora," a new voice said. It was different. One that had never been there before. "Dance with me."

"You? You're here?" she struggled against the hair that dragged her deeper. "What's your name?"

"We're waiting for you, Nora," the voices said. Nora thrust out her hand, and her fingers touched someone...


"Wait!" she sat up in bed, out of breath and her hand reaching forward. Her hair had come undone from its braid. It was wild and tangled beneath her.

"That's it," she huffed. The house was still, blanketed in the silence of night. She crept to the kitchen and grabbed her mom's cooking scissors. Back in her room, she stood in front of the mirror and ran her fingers through her long hair one last time.