Chapter 23: The Daughters of Elysium

It was like watching a movie. Lights and sounds surrounded her, but Nora felt as though she was floating through the scene. An observer, not a participant. She heard her name. It came to her like someone calling her from underwater.

All at once, the spectacle rushed at her. Sounds thrashed in her ears.

"Nora, are you okay?" Dante called out. Nora tried to answer, but a stabbing pain in her side wouldn't allow her the air to speak. "Nora!" Dante called her again. "Say something!"

"She's conscious," Jade rasped. "I can see her moving. Ruby and Kai are knocked out. What happened?"

"Help me get them out," Dante ordered. Jade nodded and pushed her door open. It fell off. "Hey, is that—"

Nora never heard the rest of Jade's question. It was interrupted by a scream, and the sound of a chain clinking against itself.

"Jade!" Dante roared. "Let her go!" Nora watched as Dante leapt at his sister's attacker. Someone behind him, wielding another chain, crept behind him."