Chapter 47: Reciprocated

"You can't keep me in this bed forever," Nora giggled.

"Is that a challenge?" Dante wrapped his arm around Nora's waist and slid her nude body closer. He flipped them so that he was hovering over, and then began trailing kisses along her jawline and down her neck. He gave special attention to his mark, the one that proved she was his.

"Dante," Nora tried to make it sound like a warning, but the intended affect was lost.

"Keep saying my name just like that," he purred. "You know what that does to me."

"We have to get up eventually," she breathed. "We have things to— Oh, f*ck." Nora trembled as Dante took her breast into his mouth, his teeth grazing her sensitive n*pple. Heat washed over her, and an ache began to build between her thighs. She pressed them together for even an ounce of friction.

"What was that?" he asked as he moved to the other nipple.

"You're not playing fair," Nora whined. "I have no fight left."

"Then don’t fight."