Chapter 14 A Cold Threat

"They can figure out a few of the obvious ingredients, like Vitality Grass. It is impossible to know all the ingredients of the potion unless they have the ability to Appraise. Even then, it will take time to research the correct recipe through these ingredients." He replied.

She relaxed a little and asked curiously. "Can there be people with appraisal ability?"

"There should be."

"En" She was not as worried as before anymore. She will try to earn 20k SP as soon as possible and after getting the recipe of the Healing Potion, she will apply for the patent in the capital.

Once the patent is improved with the help of her family, no one would dare to steal her things and she could stop worrying about it once and for all.

But to earn the SP quickly, she might need to go to a D rank dungeon the next time after her second trip to an E rank dungeon.

Two weeks passed quickly, and she spent her time increasing her accuracy with the spatial Claw Slash.

That was the name she gave to her very first offensive attack.

Now she could easily one shot an E rank monster, and it was time to go and conquer an E rank dungeon.

She met Su Ming on the sixth floor of the cafeteria again.

"Long time no see, senior." She said with a little smile.

It was the same table from two weeks ago and the same sitting position. The two girls sat across from each other with their trays full of food in front of them.

Su Ming nodded. "You disappeared after the first meeting, it made me think that our deal was just a joke on your part."

"Is it now? Well, it can't be helped, I have been busy and don't have time for casual meetings." She replied casually.

The two started their meal, and it got quite for a moment.

"So the deal still stands?" Su Ming asked while eating.

"Of course, I keep my words." She put down the cutlery and wiped her hands with the napkin.

She took out two small bottles of green liquid from her jacket pocket and pushed them on the table, toward the girl sitting opposite her.

Su Ming's eyes shone with light and just when she was about to pick up the bottles, her hand was pressed down by another small and soft white hand. She looked up, confused, and saw Yuxi's stern eyes.

"You can take the potion, but I will tell you this only once. If you dared to try to imitate my potion, there will be a huge price to pay for your Su family."

"I don't have the strength to punish you, but for the people behind me, this will just be a trivial matter. And if you think, I am bluffing, then you are welcome to give it a try." Her tone was casual, but the threat in it was clear, making Su Ming squint her eyes in displeasure.

"Is this your attitude of cooperating?" She asked and pulled back her hand.

She raised her eyes lazily. "With this thing in hand, I don't lack cooperation partners. Why do you think I chose you?"

She laughed lowly and leaned forward, her voice turning into a whisper. "Because the Su family is deeply rooted in this city. If they do something sorry to me, they cannot run away. Do you understand, senior~."

A chill ran down Su Ming's spine, and for the first time she felt that the girl sitting in front of her was a very dangerous individual. Looking at her unprecedented confident tone, she had no doubt that what Yuxi said was the truth and not just a bluff.

And she was right to think so. Yuxi will just have to complain to her aunt that the Su family in this city bullied her, and they would be done for. Having a strong background was her trump card, and she will use it if necessary.

"I have completed my part of the deal, it's your turn now." She said, going back to eat her unfinished meal.

"Ah, yes." Su Ming came out of her daze and took out a pen and paper to write down the address of the dungeon and handed it over to Yuxi.

"This dungeon appeared just yesterday and I have asked someone to delay the registration process. But I can only delay it for another day, you will have only one day to do whatever you want. After that, the Rankers will enter the dungeon to clear it." She explained.

The Su family officially kept the data on all the dungeons that appeared in this city. Naturally, they had a monopoly on dungeons and no one will notice if a few of the dungeons were sold quietly on the side.

It was not the first time that such a shady deal was concluded, and it will not be the last.

After finishing her meal and getting what she wanted, she left the cafeteria leisurely.

After the school ended, she went out by herself and made a call to her driver and told him not to pick her up today because she was going to hang out with a friend. She also instructed him to tell the bodyguards not to come either, she will not need them today.

These bodyguards were left by her aunt to ensure her safety. They would follow her wherever she went outside the school. But this time she stopped them from following her because she didn't want to reveal her secrets to others.

Even if they wanted to follow her stubbornly, they will not be able to find her if she leaves the school now.

She called a taxi and went to the address Su Ming gave her.

It was an underground parking lot of a tall commercial building. After entering the parking lot, she followed the space fluctuations in the air which she could feel due to her element and found a dark blue portal hidden behind a heavy-duty truck.

It must have been hidden by someone from Su Ming's side. She appreciated the gesture and stepped into the portal without hesitation.

Her world went dark for a moment, and when she regained sight again, she was standing in the middle of a dense forest. Everywhere she looked, she could only see green. The green vegetation was spread far and wide, the environment was cold, and the sparse sunlight was unable to dispel the coldness in the air.

"Again, a forest? What species of monsters would it be this time?" She muttered to herself and took out a down jacket to cover herself to prevent the cold.

She opened the system map and checked the area within 3 kilometers around her. There were many red dots on the map, especially in the area where a river was located.

She determined her destination and entered the forest, cutting down branches with her D rank steel dagger to clear the path ahead.

Treading carefully towards the river while avoiding the red dots in her path, she heard a furious, loud roar. She hid behind a tree trunk near the river and saw a spectacle.

A black bear the size of a car was aggressively standing in the shallow waters of the river and trying to bite the fish surrounding it.

A group of gray fish had red eyes, sharp teeth and half a meter long body. Some were even bigger, up to a meter long. They were jumping up from the water and biting the black bear from all sides.

The black bear had a thick hide which protected it from most bites. It would capture a fish in its jaws occasionally and kill it before throwing it on the shore.

The reason it roared before was because one of the bigger fish had bitten a flesh out of its belly, making it painful and angry. As a result, it went on a rampage and killed many fish before returning to the shore.

After watching the fight for a long time Yuxi decided that it was time to kill the black bear, she slowly came out from behind the tree and gathered her element on the fingertips of both hands. Ready to unleash her Claw slash upon the bear.

She found a good angle and sent the two spacial Claw Slash flying towards the black bear one after another.

Unlike the wolves who were moving at all times in her simulation fights, the black bear eating a fish was stationary. It was hit by the two Claw Slashes without any suspense, one on the side of its head and the other in the neck.

If the element was changed to wind or any other, then the black bear would be injured at most, much less dying. But the space element was different, if not controlled, the solidified space element would disintegrate anything that came into contact with it.