Chapter 28

"I was going to tell you," she exclaimed as she skipped to keep pace with him.

Crank wasn't in the mood to listen. Bad enough a tiny slip of a woman had guilted him into realizing what a shit he'd made of the second chance Sky had given him. He'd slept with a fucking princess.

"You're a princess." The third time he'd repeated it.


"A royal elf."


Which was bad. So very, very bad. "Rumor has it that having sex with an elf princess is a death sentence."

"Not a rumor. My kind are very serious about keeping the bloodlines pure."

"Speaking of pure..." He glanced at her messy mane of dark locks. "What color is your real hair?" Because unlike a human woman, she didn't have any bush to cover below.

"Does it matter?"

No, because he would have almost slept with her no matter the hue.

"A fucking princess." The snort of disgust was for himself.

"I don't know why you're so shocked. You said I was snooty."

"As an insult."

"Which makes it all the more delicious."